Drabble || Inui Seishu

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He was breathtakingly beautiful, in every angle, perspective or emotion. Maybe that's why you recently grew interest in drawing him. Your classmate that is.

He could be the perfect muse, maybe if you gained a little more courage you could ask. But it was too embarrassing.

It was a secret that even your bestfriend don't know that you've been discreetly drawing him. It's not a stalker behavior right? He was just fun to draw. But you can't help but call him attractive.

You rest your mechanical pencil and used erase on your desk, sketchbook too. No one would dare open it right? Besides the classroom is empty.

You searched for your usual drink in your bag, guess you forgot to buy one beforehand. No matter, you could just buy one on the vending machine. You took your wallet and went out of tge classroom.

Successfully buying your favorite drink, you sip on it as you walk back to your classroom. The wind playfully blew away your hair, you instinctively covered your eyes for any small debris the wind may carry.

"It's windy today huh..." you mumbled as you continued making your way.

You slide open the door to see your sketchbook open and more than that your classmate staring at it in wonder. You sprint hurriedly, "I- uhh- excuse me-" Stammered, you couldn't do anything but hide the lower half of your face. Red 'till the tips of your ears.

You grabbed your sketchbook and ran away from the classroom. "I-I swear it's not you-!"

"Wait-" Inui says, failing to reach for you as you continued to ran away. He has a shy thin line on his lips as his cheeks were burning lightly with warmth.

It was clear as day as he was the one you were drawing. "The wind blew it open..." He says at the empty classroom, "I'm not that pretty..." Recalling your sketches of him and small notes and descriptions of him.

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