Drabble || Inui Seishu

54 5 4

"Wake up."

The familiar low voice whispered on your ears, feeling the warmth of his fingers on your skin. He places his hand on your cheek, turning your head to look properly at your face.

You started to stir, opening a crack between your lids, you saw the pretty man who's been trying to wake you up. You groaned a little, not wanting to wake up, you close your eyes again. Deciding to sleep whilst leaning closer to his hand.

"[Name], wake up. Come on now." He prys his hand away from you and shook your shoulders. His actions causes your brows to furrow, opening a slit in your eyes. You hold his hands to stop, looking at his handsome face again, you can't help but smile at him.

He sighs as he understands your look, you were oggling at him. Simp, He thought, placing a hand over your eyes before he abruptly scoops you out of the bed. "It's time to wake up already."

"Whaa- I- hey!" You kick your legs mid-air, "Sei! Stooooop~! I wanna go back to bed!" Pouting at him you lightly punch his chestmultiple times. "It's noon already, you've been in bed half of the day already."

He continues to carry you, walking carefully and slowly. "Can't I be in bed longer?" You pleaded, hooking your arms around his neck. "No."

You punched him in his chest - with more force. "Ow - Hahahaha" He laughs at your action, you retracted your arms from him and crossed it over your chest. You pouted, making your cheeks more puffed.

He then suddenly bit your cheek lightly, "Sei! What was that for?" You lightly pushed his face away, he places you on top of the table. "You look cute, you and your chubby cheeks." A minuscle smile on his face.

"Are you saying I'm fat?!" You jokingly fumed, ignoring the reddening of your cheeks, you change the subject. "No." He goes near your face and nibble lightly on your cheek before backing slowly.

"but even if you are, I think I'll love it no more or less." He hugs you leaning at the table, "I'll love eating you then." His minuscle smile coming back.

You feel warmth seeping through your whole face, tip of your ears very much red at his statement. "What are you thinking of?" He teased, laughing lightly at your red hue face.


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