Breather || Hanma Shuji

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You just wanted to take a breather. And if it means it also has to skip a class then yes.

You just can't see eye to eye with your classmates, step in and seat still inside the classroom where your bullies were too. You can't even fathom why they started picking on you.

You sat against the walls of the surrounding gates of the school, under the shade where the sunlight had already past and cannot reach until tomorrow. Obviously you'd have to go back to class after skipping this one.

You were a straight A student, not really popular but a decent student that doesn't cause troubles. But right now, you'd break your attendance to avoid them. Atleast for now.

Your eyes trained on the backside of the building that was a few feet away from you. You leaned closely to your knees that curled up to your chest. You heaved a sigh before looking up, wanting to meet the blue skies and faint whites of the clouds.

But you were met by a student jumping over the wall, grey slacks, white buttons up that was clearly loosen and two unbuttoned ones, the signature blue blazer of the school uniform on top of all. His hair styled upwards, front, bleached. What meets your eyes the most was the golden irises and dark pupils looking back at you.

He land on his two feet infront of you with ease. He stretches first before turning onto your sitting figure on the ground with a grin. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

You open and close your mouth like a fish out of water, with trembling fingers you point at him. "Weren't you already skipping school? Why'd you come back then?!"

You already know this delinquent, infamous for his fights and trips to the guidance or the dean's office. He was a troublemaker for sure, so why did he have to come at the time where your sulking?

"I forgot something." He then walks towards your figure, you flinch as he comes near you, squatting infront of you. "So, why is the goody-two-shoes here?" He taps your forehead with his index finger.

You popped a nerve and gritted your teeth, "none of your business." You replied coldly, "Ahh, did someone beat you up?" He replies, teasingly cooing.

"Shut up." You mumble as you bury your head on your knees, ignoring the delinquent infront of you. Hanma furrows his eyebrows before tapping you again, "Oi, Oi, Oi." He insistently repeats.

"Can't you shut your mouth?" You look up with squinted eyes, "Turns out goofy-two-shoes can pick a fight." The corners of his mouth turning into a playful smirk.

You sigh, plopping your head back to your knees, "I'm not picking fights with you. Just leave me alone." Hanma blankly looks at you before shrugging his shoulders. Standing up from the ground, "what a shame."

He says before leaving you.


You slip into your shoes and exited the building, a hand clutching your bag in anxiousness. Not wanting to bump into them again, you hesitantly walk faster. You looked ahead to see the gates of the school.

The delinquent from earlier stationed just outside, lazily gazing anywhere with his droopy eyes. 'Why is he still here?' You ponder.

You then meet his eyes again for the second time this day, perking up as he meets yours. 'Don't tell me...'

He started to grin swing his bag to his shoulder, walking his way to your direction. 'What's that knucklehead doing?!'

'It's not me, right?'

"There you are!" He shouts, as if greeting his friend. "No way..." you subconsciously muttered, you grip your bag's strap tighter, turning around to walk away from him but ultimately meeting your group of bullied not far behind.

"not there either." Before you could fully turn around again, an arm hooks around your neck in a friendly manner, "Where are you going?" Hanma asks enthusiastically.

"I don't know you, get.away." You stated, removing his arm only for him to willingly let go of you. "Is that them? good thing they're not girls, this would be much more easier. And fun." Hanma says as he approaches a group of students. Specifically your bullies.

You grip his forearm, "what are you doing?" You furrow your brows. "Warming up." He says as he succesfully brushes you off of him. He then proceeds to beat up the group of students.

'Somehow... this is relaxing- err deserving.' You thought. Hanma comes back to you, wiping his fist and handing you his bag. "Do you need to me to beat up someone else?"

"Idiot, why would I? And what do you mean by that? I never asked you to beat them up for me." You absentmindedly held his bag while ranting.

"I never said it was for you." He grins smugly.

"Shut up. I hate you. And don't give me your bag!" You shove his bag on to his chest, you started to walk away from him. He catches up and swing his arm over you, "You should get use to me already, I'll come and get you."


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