Dainty Fingers || Mitsuya Takashi

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Bandages and ointments littered your fingers, having them scattered by pricking your dainty hands multiple times.

You weren't used to sew, you partly knew how to stitch. Yet despite that, you wanted to embroider a hankerchief and show it to your upperclassman.

You were recruited by a female upperclassman, having you convinced - yet when you stepped into the clubroom, a young man was helping the members. He was in the center of it all, having to clearly see the genuine and sincerity of sewing.

You just guessed you were inspired, having met this awesome upperclassman. You stammered throughout your sentences infront of him. Yet you could easily converse with Yasuda.

Soon enough you were a member. Learning more about embroidery and sewing than anything else. Knowing instructions and actually learning 𝘩𝘰𝘸 to do it was a different matter.

It didn't stop you from actually making it. Finishing the embroidery, you looked at it in your hands. The stitches was not bad nor was it really good but it was okay. The design had crooked edges, you smiled sheepishly, it was good for someone new, right?

The next day when school finally came, you waited until the club activities. And even then you were a nervous wreck, you couldn't actually show it to Mitsuya until maybe after the club activities.

You waited until time passed, Mitsuya excused himself just when it was nearly dismissal. You waited at the clubroom even when it was dismissal.

You peek your head out to see if Mitsuya was still in school. To your relief he was still there but to your anxiousness, he was talking to brunette who was an obvious beauty. There was also this tall male who had a scar on the edge of his lip.

You didn't know whether or not should you show the simple-made embroidery. You were close to backing out when your senior noticed you.


You flinched and was about to quickly disperse when he fully turned to you and took a step, "Were you waiting? Do you have something to say to me?" He had a small smile on his lips.

You tremble lightly, "U-uh, I-I wanted to- to um... show you something I made but! if you're busy it-it's okay! honestly!" You rub your nape, looking away, you can't seem to lock eye contact.

The brunette stares at you for a moment, she's just like Hakkai, she humored inwardly. She shakes her head before grabbing her younger sibling, "We'll be going then." She waved goodbye and dragged her brother along. "Eh?"

"Oh. Okay, bye. Have a safe trip."

"You too."

You were left standing awkwardly at the doorway, seeing the brunette who discreetly wink at you on her way out. You snapped away at you thoughts by his voice.

"What did you want to show me?" He was nearing you, your other hand that was behind you clutched the cloth. "Y-you know what? Nevermind. It wasn't that good anyways."

He looks over your hidden hand, "are you sure? Anything you probably made is good." He goes near you, backing you to a wall. You held your breath, feeling the heat rush so suddenly in your cheeks. You fidget your fingers and look everywhere and anywhere but him.

He leans in to grab the cloth, "there it is. It looks good, it's your first time right?" You quickly nod your head, the hankerchief was at his hands. You pointed the little daisy on the corner.

"I really wanted to do a rose one with a bunch of leaves but I figure it was too complicated for me." You kept looking down on the embroidered cloth that you missed the adored look that your upperclassman was giving you.

"It is since you just started, but this is a great start. You could improve in no time but you shouldn't be too quick." He says, gaze landing onto your bandaged hands.

You look at where he was staring, you quickly tried to retreat your hands. But he had already grabbed your hands in a gentle manner, "You should've been more careful, and you shouldn't push yourself too hard. Your hands are littered with wounds now."

"Ahh, it's fine, I'm fine. I'll be more careful I promise." You reassured him, he carefully caresses your bandaged skin with the tips of his fingers. Before rubbing circles on your palms with his thumbs.

"Their soft, it's bad for you to keep scarring your fingers." He says, looking up from staring at your hands.

You immediately flushed, slightly backing, "h-huh?" You look back to see your back meeting the blackboard. Your knees were shaking and eyes forming swirls.


You can't believe that was over a year ago, you place the embroidered cloth unto the table. Staring at it endearingly, you've greatly improved for over a year now.

The rose was much beautiful as it is how you imagined it the first time you've thought about it. You smiled to yourself, satisfied, you look down on your hands.

There wasn't much scars but there was definitely a few. You map out your palm with your eyes, it definitely had experienced sewing with what you could see.

A slightly more slender hands took your hand, caressing it and rubbing his fingers across your palms. "It isn't that soft anymore." He noted, you look up to see your crush smiling down on you.

Heat started to rush through your cheeks, afterall this time you couldn't act natural infront of him. "M-Mitsuya-senpai!"

"You're actually quick to learn, but I hoped you were still careful." He traces the few small scars, "Too bad they have scars now, but they're pretty too." Grinning at you.

You instantly retreated your hands and burried your face into your palms. Your face redder than the ripest tomato, smoke coming out of your ears. He patted your head, chuckling as well.

He had long heard of your confession - even if it was painfully obvious from the start. Having given of am embroidered cloth that has an endearing heart, confessing as you gave him it.

You said you didn't want an answer so you two remained as friends. But still it was painful to watch the obvious crush between the two of you.

He really liked the hankerchief made by two little dainty hands. He smiled at the memory.

He took your hand by your fingers, away from your face. You still had your face lowered, mumbling things out of fluster.

"This dainty fingers are cute..."

𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐫 || 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now