Save Me || Sano Manjiro

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TW: Suicide, slight physical violence

You even your breathing, sitting on the now damped ground, your eyes still squinting from being out of the rushing water. Still regaining full consciousness from almost drowning and suffocating yourself. Coughing out excess water from your lungs, you ducked and bend forward.

Balling your fist, you regain balance and look at your savior through your lowered lashes. This wasn't the first time jumping off the bridge, it was already the second time, and the second time someone saved you again. Twice did the person save you already, fate was cruel to meet you two again.

You could still remember the first time he had saved you from the depths of the waters.

-You coughed vigorously as you released the waters off of your lungs. Tearing up, wet from the river, you closed your other eye- only peaking from your other to look at the blonde male who saved you.

He was sitting, leaning back with his arms placed on his sides to prop him up. He looks at you with a frown, "why'd you jumped, you could've died." He uttered after you seemed to calmed down.

You wipe your eyes - that was red and puffy - likely from crying earlier. "That's the point." You grumbled, your brows almost touching, a a frown on your face.

"Why die?" He asked.

You raise a brow before balling your fist, looking at the ground - a hard glare that seems to want to plummet the ground. "What's the point? I don't wanna live. It's tiring." Breathlessly muttering the last part, "I don't have any will to live... at this point, I just wanna end it all, it hurts." So lone, everyone gone except you.

Biting your bottom lip, it soon opened a wound, oozing a metallic like taste of scarlet liquid. You then heard shuffling on the grass. You saw the strangers hands placed infront of you, "hey." He calls out, looking up he leans too close for comfort. Flinching, you back away and he only comes closer to your face.

"What's your name?"


"What's your name?"

"[Last Name]... [Name]"

You wished you would never regret to tell a stranger your name. But he was too intimidating. Uncomfortable of how little he gives space, a thin line placed on your lips. His stare bore into yours, your gaze wavered as his stares was immensely calm and serious. But he smiled and his eyes turned to cresent moons, looking childish from his previous demeanor.

"Sano Manjiro, call me Mikey." He tells you, you only became more perplexed of how he was tpo casual, "You're my friend now. I'll be your will to live from now on."

Such statement was bold - overstepping boundaries perhaps, he was just a stranger a second ago.

-Maybe that's why you finally had enough.

The moon had finally showed up from hiding behind the serene clouds, an incorporeal aura setting up the atmosphere of the eerily mysterious yet tranquilizing night. The cold breeze hits your nape, feeling chills up through your spine.

Both of your breathings were even, kept to yourselves. Neither looking to one another's eyes. You grit your teeth before speaking, "why are you here?"

Silence only met your question, he stayed quiet as if he wasn't infront of you. "Mikey! Why are you here?!" Raising your voice you looked up and stare at his eyes - looking empty as he stares back at yours. A scowl presented in your face, you bit your bottom lip.

He was still gorgeous as ever, with his now dyed black hair. It was shortened and parted in the middle, styled in an undercut. He held no emotion and only stared at you, his lips only parting lightly.

You couldn't hold the eye contact so you turned away, your scowl softening to a frown, trying to keep your tears at bay. "I lost my will to live." You said, cracking voice. I lost you.

"Do you have?" You asked him, looking to see his eyes again but now yours shine from the wetness of the tears already dripping down your cheeks. This for sure is my last time I'm seeing you.

"No." He said, staring indifferently. A small broken smile placed on your lips, You crawled closer to him, taking his hands. "Do you want to die with me?" motioning circles in his palms with your thumbs.

He didn't say anything but it was obvious, a silent no, he merely blinks before moving. He leans closer and nearer eventually leading you to back up until you were laying down. Tears only runs on the sides of your face. A weak smile on your troubled yet calm facade.

"I'll see you soon." He says, straddling on top you, his hands positioned on your neck, ready to cut your airways. "I've totally lost you." Your hand wiping the tear from his face, he widens his eyes, his first very emotion since he saved you a second time.

"Save me again in another life." You grin one last time before he grips your neck tight, cutting airways, he keeps on tightening the hold. Afraid he won't be able to do it, you shouldn't have stayed with him. You should be gone from the cruel world the same as his.

You choked, placing your hands on his arms, you feel his muscles flexing, tightening and hardening. Endless tears turns to drops one by one and your eyes began to dim - shining no more. Your chest didn't heave up and down, not breathing anymore. Your pulse couldn't be found.

Your hands fall onto your sides, it couldn't held into his arms. At this point - you entered death's door.

Mikey didn't know what happened next, his vision was blurry and he could feel warm treaks going down his face. His heart clenched deep inside him, something in his being is going haywire.

-That's right, he was crying.

Sobs came out of his mouth, he tries closing his lips to stop his sobs. It only turns into whimpers, his tears dropping into your pale face.

He struggles to remove himself on top of you. Limping in movements, he kneels on your side before he scoops you up in his arms. Cradling your lifeless body, he closes your eyes, and kiss atop your head.

Killing you yet wanting you - his actions contradicts his feelings. He shouldn't have felt anything. It's been like this with the others. Why be fragile, vulnerable, at your state.

He carresses your face, sniffing the river's scent on your body. He dips his nose on your cheek, his other hand rakes and massages your scalp. He closes his eyes, a shaky breath releases.

"We should've never met..." He says, losing voice. "I'll save you in another life. Hopefully I'll be deserving enough." Continously hugging your corpse.

In the end the night only comes deeper, draping the two foolish lovers in a melancholic state. Eerie silence accompanied the sobbing and whimpering crying fool who cradled the fool who accepted death in his hands.

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