Leave || Kokonoi Hajime

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"Hajime... stop." You push away his hand that had grabbed you. Trying to be as gentle as possible, not wanting your own emotions to burst. Letting go of his hand, his eyes only widen as he hastily tried grasping your hands back.

"No. Haji-"

"[Name]! What are you saying?" His hand grasped your wrist, as you step back. Your eyes was hooded making eye contact difficult. But his eyes, they were desperate and were still hopeful.

"Hajime. I already know, so please stop." Your eyes stared straight at his, showing pain and woe. Those [e/c] colored eyes he used to stare all day was now close to tears.

You glared sharply at him before yanking your wrist out of his grip. He tumble a bit before composing, irises dilating and mouth open a jar. You started to walk back, trying to get distance away from him.

"[Name], [Name], please- no, please don't leave me... don't leave- me.. again." Words stumble and stutter out of his mouth.

"Hajime- no, Kokonoi. I never left you before." Your eyes were on a downcast, tears already on the edge.

His eyes widen, not just how you changed your adress to him. But also with how he slipped up, you were right, you never did left him before.

Because you were always there for him, the one who waits and became his own home. But was it really you who he had been seeing all this time?

"[Name]... p-please." He grabbed both of your shoulders, tears are also threatening to fall from both of your eyes. You were looking down, not wanting to look at him, knowing how your own self would betray you and want to burst right here and right now.

"Kokonoi... was I just some after image?" You asked him softly as you tried calming down yourself. Your fingers curling into fists.

Silence met your question, contemplation. 'Was I just an after image?', what kind of question is that? of course not. But why can he not respond back? why can't he answer?

"I see." Grasping his arm to push it away, but he only gripped harder.

"No! [Name], Wait, that's not what it is, you're not- you're not... not... her." His outburst slowly became a whisper and a question in his head.

"You're right. I'm not her. And I'm not just some after image!" Gripping his arm as you grit your teeth, jaws clenched, "I actually thought you see me as me! Why?! Why would you chase after someone who's dead!"

"She's-!" He tried retorting back as he was offended.

"She's Dead! Kokonoi please stop! I'm not her After image! I can't be her! I'm tired..." Tears fell from your eyes one by one as you only looked at the interesting floor. Soft sobs and trembling infront of him, it was bound to happen.

He was only silent as he watches your figure from his hold. Speechless, that was what he was.

"Please... Let me go..." You stopped for a while as you processed your words, "oh... wait..."

A bitter chuckle left your lips,

"You never held me from the start,

It was just her."

Your heart ache at the realization that both hit you. You were a crying mess, that was right. Your head was pounding and heart aching- more like shattering at every second.

"Just.... just....

Leave me."

You grasped both of his arms and begged, your eyes reflected the pain and sorrow. His heart shattered and was filled with void, twice did he felt the heartbreak he never liked.

"It's better for the both of us. I should've never fallen in love." You bitterly added.

His grip loosen and felt weak as he dropped to the floor on his knees. "I'm sorry." His hand grasped yours and held it close to his forehead. "I'm sorry" he continued to mutter, knowing he lost a treasure, a gem worth more than a price or any bountiful money.

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