Drabble || Kurokawa Izana

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Dancer! AU

You huffed in exhaustion as you finished the last step of your performance. After your coach had told you that you'll be now partnering up for the next show, you practiced hard for your now new position.

After a few more minutes of break, you took a deep breath and stand up again. You take your position once more, now with the music playing in the background.

You were so immersed in the music that you didn't notice the pair of orchid-colored eyes watching your figure dance.

You felt on your own until a male started dancing the position of your 'partner'. His actions were in sync with yours, you didn't mind it either and let him dance with you.

The music continued to play in the background and you two made an incredible performance. A smile made its way to both of you.

The music finally came to an end and your performance as well. You two ended with a pose and hands clapping and applauded for the both of you was heard.

Your other dance mates and coach were by the door, who watched the two perform together. The both of you looked at each other before bowing.

"You must be my new partner?" You tilted your head in question.

"Actually no, unfortunately not." He points at another unfamiliar face at the crowd, "He's actually your dance partner."

"Oh." You felt embarrassed and disappointed.

"But I'd be happy to switch partners." He smiles at you and you turned your red at his words.

And he actually did, he was now your dance partner, and maybe more than that.

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