Drabble || Sano Shinichiro

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"I like you! please go out with me!" The respectable president of the black dragons bows himself 90 degrees.

Confessing to the girl that had caught his eyes ever since but only now had he gain courage to speak out.

His already on a rejection streak of more than 10, if this goes on, his hope might be crushed.


"okay, okay, I'm sorry for bothering you, thank you for listening to me- Eh?" His eyes were wide open, and his jaw dropped open at the revelation.

Was this a chance? hope?

"I said yeah..." You scratched your cheek with your index finger. The air was becoming awkward and he was still gawking at the news.

"Huh?! Why?!"

"You don't want me?"

He blushed profusely at your words, "ofcourse I do! I- I mean in a sense where- where I want you to be my girlfriend not the- the that kind but--"

"I think I get it." Smiling politely at him.



"Why me?"

"Actually it could be anybody." He slowly lost his confidence, "b-because! I wanna know how to fall in love." You smiled at him.


"But I think you're the best candidate so far." You reassured him. He instantly blush and jolted his body.

"But I think a better hairstyle would do." Pointing at his styled hair, which kind of offended him just like how his siblings do.

"Then I'll make you fall in love with me and ask you out!" He holds both of your hands together.

"Were already together."

"Then I'll make you fall in love with me more!"

"I haven't fallen in love with you. yet."

"Then- then-" He was beet red and you can't help but tease the obviously awkward male.

"We'll go out and you'll fall in love with me! If you don't!" He stopped and took a breath, "I'll let you go." He finally made a decent smile, a genuine and gentle smile with the same gentleness in his gaze.

Maybe it won't be so hard to fall in love after all, especially with him. You only smiled and nod in answer.

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