Shin's Twin || Imaushi Wakasa

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"Shin, you have a twin sister?" Benkei asked as he approaches with Takeomi beside him. Wakasa shifted his eyes as the topic catches his attention.

"Oh yeah, haven't I told you guys already?" The black dragon's leader nodded and lean back more as he sits more comfortably.

"She's practically the gang's sugar mommy- Ow! Shin!" Takeomi caresses his forehead from where the small rock had hit him, "Don't call my sister a sugar mommy." An irk mark on his temple.

"If I hadn't known you had a twin, I would've really thought she's your sugar mommy- Oi! Hey!"

"I said don't call her that!" Shin's brows furrowed together.

"So, basically our funds came from her?" Wakasa asked, interjecting their little argument. "Aren't you abusing your twin? Where is she anyways?"

"I'm not abusing anyone! My father dragged her out of the country with him before I met you guys. Besides she volunteered herself, she already know how to make money."

"She was also one of the founders." Takeomi added, "Black dragon's treasurer and money maker."

"We had someone in position like that yet you only told us now?" Wakasa raised his brow in question.

"I totally forgot." The two childhood friends laughs nervously. "Oh! But she's actually a total bae-! Ow! Shin!"

"I'll throw hands at you Omi! Leave her, you're no good for her."

"You can't just say that! She gives me money too! That makes me her sugar-"

"Finish that sentence or else."

"What are you gonna do? cry?"


"-wait- o-Ow! Wait- that actually hurts- cut it out!"

While the two fought, Wakasa was left with his thoughts. His droopy eyes found himself staring at Shinichiro's back. 'Shin's twin, huh? I wonder if she's interesting.' He thought to himself.


You exited the taxi with your luggage, now you were standing infront of the place you call home. A smile plasteres on your lips as you knock on the door.

A familiar old man, granpa, greeted you, "[Name], Welcome home." He greeted you with a warm smile different from his usual strict and stoic manner.

"I'm home." You smiled, he opened the door more for you to come in. You left your luggage by the front door and quickly walked to the living room.

"WELCOME HOME!" Almost everybody yelled, you only smiled and repeated what you had said from before, "I'm home!"

Manjiro was the first to ran up to you, "[Name]neechan!" "Manjiro!" You open your arms to hug him, the young boy tackled you with sparkles on his eyes.

"[Name]neechan! I told grampa to get you back! And you're back! Welcome back!" He kept repeating his words, eventually falling into a none sensual topic.

You perked up when you see a blonde little girl behind him, "You must be Emma?" You offered her a hand to hold.

Manjiro eventually stopped talking, "I believe we've talked through letters?" You say as she took your hand.

"Finally someone who makes sense AND pretty!" She remarked enthusiastically. You laugh at her response as the boys with her only stood dumbfounded.

'She doesn't look any interesting.' Wakasa thought as he lazily hold on to the welcome banner.

"Welcome back sleepyhead!" Shinichiro greeted.

"I'm home, crybaby!" Exchanging hugs with him.

"I'm still older than you, have some respect."

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