Drabble || Baji Keisuke

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Post-apocalyptic AU- where in what the world is in after an apocalypse

Your footsteps can only be heard as it stomps the dirt under your shoes, the world's silent as you walk through the abandoned and crumbling city. It has been for more than half a century ago- before you were even born, did society and civilization crumbled.

Only few did survive, and up 'till now you pondered how did you survive a world that's deserted. You scavenge for materials at this place, finding knicknacks and thing-a-majigs, sometimes if you were lucky you'd find animals to hunt.

You were carefully making way outside of the city to go to another, when the cemented road began to crack. The road began to fully crack and crumble, you slid and fell into the ditch the road had become. You winced from the impact of the fall, you look for injuries before looking for your stuff.

You look above to see where could you climb up, the ground was too steep, you realized that just when you were near to the surface. Loosing grip, you tried grabbing into anything that would avoid you from falling back. Before you could even, a hand reached out and grabbed your raising hand.

"Need a hand?" A black-haired male whose hair was tied back. His grin was wide, showing his white and canine teeth, pretty, a passing thought as you look at him. He was probably the only few people you've ever seen.

He pulls you out and you struggled to push yourself up. After going back to the surface, you look back to see the hole, you then properly thanked your savior. "You're new here aren't you?" He asks.

"Yeah..." You nod, still startruck at his appearance, at this abandoned world, he was very beautiful to look at. You exchanged names and greeted each other, he was in a group, travelling. "If you'd like, me and the others are staying here for a while, in that direction." He turns on his vehicle, "We'll probably be off by tomorrow's morning. Just meet up with me if you'd like." He grins before speeding off.

You grip the strap of your bag tighter, a growing smile. You just have to get some things from your small base before heading off. Guess you won't be lonely now.

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