Drabble || Hanemiya Kazutora

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He was playful but awkward, a flirt and a tease but flat out blank infront of you. You couldn't do but hold out your stifle giggles infront of him as he faced you.

How was this man smoothly talking but look blankly the next moment you'd do make a move yourself. He's not the only one with style.

"You sure can talk, but you're oddly shy being in a relationship with me." You remarked smugly.

"I'm not. I can have my way whether you believe me or not. But then again, you probably would." He simpered. You placed a curled finger below his chin and a thumb below his lips.

You tip his chin gently to make him look straight into your eyes. You smiled warmly at him, affectionately gazing.

"You would huh? But I think, I'd make you melt first before you could." You said mellowly as you leaned a bit closer, removing your hand on his chin to cup both of his cheeks.

He became flustered in matter of seconds, you took the opportunity to lean in and kiss his beauty mark below his eye. He places his hands on your shoulders.

You stepped back with a cheeky smile, "I'll get going, I still need to meet up with the girls." Pecking his nose this time. He couldn't help but turn angrily red, the warmth rushing to his face in a quick circulation.

You left him dumbfounded, he presses his lips together. Hands covering his face, what was he doing getting so flustered. He cursed himself for not standing up but it was always nice once in a while or maybe a couple hundred times.

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