Drabble || Inui Seishu

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You were with your friends at the festival with your kind friend, Inupi, as your date. Everyone scattered around, the girls were grouped together while the boys were distant yet near enough from the girls.

One topic was arguable, and that is, 'who looks the most handsome tonight'. Hina was defending Takemichi as her escort, Emma spoke of Mikey like he was a kid and Draken her escort like her own prince.

They kept arguing until they asked you. "Ne, Ne, [Name]-chan. Who do you think the most handsome tonight?"

"Oh?" Suddenly finding two pairs of eyes staring at you when you tried not getting involved, "I think everyone looks great tonight." You simply smiled.

"Eh? You can't just answer that." The blonde pouted.

"Emma's right, for sure you find someone attractive." Dragging the last word slowly as she raised both of her brows and smiled knowingly along with Emma. So that's what they wanted, huh.

"Well I guess... it would be Inupi. Sure he has a scar but I think that God thought he's too pretty." You innocently stated not hearing the incoming footsteps behind you, "He has this green eyes that are gorgeous, I think his hair look stylish, too. But he looks really good smiling."

"So... to say that..." Hina and Emma anticipated.

"The most handsome looking tonight, would be, Inupi. And that's that!" You crossed your arms. "Hey! You two aren't even listening, are you?"

"What are you looking at anyways..." You turn around to see the said, pretty boy, behind you. Holding a crepe he was supposed to give you when he had step in to a conversation accidentally.

You immediately flushed red. Your whole face and neck was beet red and you felt heat and warmth on your whole being. You brought hands to your face and ducked your head downwards in embarrasment. Turning your back on him and facing away from him.

You only heard him chuckle, he had pink tints on his cheeks and gave the crepe to Hina for the meanwhile. He stepped infront of you with his other hand covering half of his face.

A warm hand rested on top of your head, knowing its Inupi. "Thanks, you look the most beautiful as well." And with that you blew a fuse and steam started appear on top of your head.

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