Drabble || Imaushi Wakasa

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Soft warmth pressed against your lips, you close your eyes momentarily before opening back as the warmth left. You looked with brows furrowed, questioning why you're boyfriend had suddenly kissed you.

"What? You looked so cute." He simply shrugged with a coy smile.

"Then I guess you should kiss me everyday." You said confidently, hand in chest as you flutter your lashes in a joking matter.

"Yeah but I'm restraining myself." He replies, agreeing to your comment as he slyly holds your chin. A lopsided grin from his coy smile.

You blushed red hues, brows twitching with the corners of your lips. You leaned your forehead to his shoulder, "why would you say that, you jerk, I'mgettingverywarm andIcouldn't sayanythingelse..." you mumble all sorts of things out of fluster.

He pats your head comfortingly, sighing to himself, "up until now you still get so flustered."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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