Drabble || Sanzu Haruchiyo

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"Hey, are you fine?" I uttered, finding my own boyfriend sprawled on the floor. I was visiting him, scared as he wasn't picking up his phone since last week.

He didn't say anything, he only blankly look at the ceiling. The lights are off in his bedroom, curtains are blocking any light from the outside. He couldn't bother to spare me a glance.

"Haru..." I approached him, putting my bag down on the door way. I kneeled and sat on the floor, beside his head. His pupils glanced at me momentarily before looking at the ceiling once more.

"Haru, I'm here." I only say, moving and positioning myself to hug him. Eventually making me lay beside him, wrapping my arms around his body. "I'll stay here for as long as you need."

I started to mumble, "You don't have to do anything else for now or any time. I'll just stay here." Hugging him tight, the only source of light was from the hallway. Everything else was dark, he then started to move.

I could feel his arms wrap around me, reciprocating my hug. Can I make you feel okay for a second? Let me be your rest for a while.

"Haru. I'm here." I repeated what I had said earlier, this time looking up to beautiful teary blue eyes. Long pink lashes, scarred mouth. He just started to pull me into a stronger grip and hug.

We stayed like that for the whole night.

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