Drabble || Sano Manjiro

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Twins! AU- where in you're twins with B. Keisuke

You two were twins hence why you two were identical in some features, the one most notably is both of you had long black hair. (For the purpose of the story just pretend :<)

You two were sitting on the bottom stairs at the foothill near the shrine, not only that, you two swapped jackets - a sort of thing you two do. Luckily your jackets were always oversized.

You excused yourself for a moment to go and buy some snacks at the nearby convenience store. Insisting to go alone, Keisuke was left sitting by the stairs.

When suddenly someone loudly confessed to 'Baji' behind his back. He only turned around when Mikey finished speaking. "HUH?!" Both of them was loudly confused.

You drop the plastic bag in your hand, shocked at the confession infront of you, "Mikey?"

"Wait - no, it wasn't what it looked like-"

"It's okay." You grinned with sparkles, "I'll just go tell the others, I'm sure they won't mind!" You ran at the opposite direction trying to find the others, fishing out your phone.

"Baji [Name]!" Mikey was left alone hanging, he looked back at his friend who looked at him with a peace sign, "Sorry, Mikey, I don't like you."

"I don't like you, too! It was suppose to be [Name]-chin!"

"Oh - okay.👌" He nods before realizing, "-wAIT, WHAT?! My sister?!"

- And thus [Name] was running around, calling her friends at the probably new ship. Mikey was running away trying to convince Keisuke who was chasing him on his tail.

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