Drabble || Haitani Ran (1)

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Medieval! / Historical Fantasy! AU : where in monarchs, aristocrats, knights and whatnots exists.

"Did you really think I'm just a pretty princess with tea and gowns?" You seethe through your teeth as you glared at duke who cupped your cheek.

"A very lovely-" The sword threateningly held near his neck lightly pressed, a small cut and bleeds to the blade, "and beautiful princess."

As a princess and not only as a woman, you struggled hard to learn swordmanship to call yourself a knight for the kingdom.

"And you're a foul duke with a whimsical attitude." Holding the hilt of your sword tightly, not giving an opening to your opponent.

"M'lady, honey, Say, I never even threaten nor have any doings or thoughts of harming you. So, why the sword?" His gloved hand pushed away the blade and wiped the blood.

You were still glaring at him as you placed back your sword to your sheath. He used this opportunity to walk towards you and back you to a wall.

"Hmm? Prin-cess~ You're so tense around me, why is that?" He only smiled innocently, "Do you despise me that much? Why so?"

'That's not it!' You thought inwardly as you looked for an escape but unfortunately he had blocked off every direction. 'More like the opposite.'

"Who wouldn't, when a sudden invitation for marriage and proposal of my hand was asked in a so prideful and confident manner." You spout back.

"Any nobleman would get a chance to marry the princess. My proposal isn't that shocking, so why are you so flustered." He leans in with a smile, an innocent smile that wasn't so.

"S-shut up! I am not just of a royalty, I am not just a princess but a knight as well!" You shouted back as you gently clashed foreheads with his.

"Hmm~? Even so I would like to marry you." He leans in more with both of your noses brushing.

You were now beet red and swirls in your eyes, but you didn't wanna back down. 'How cute' Ran thought.

"Niisan, stop teasing her highness and let's go. His majesty is waiting for our audience with him." His brother, Rindou, interrupted the heated conversation.I'm

"I'll follow soon, you can go first, I just have one more thing to say," shooing his brother out,

"You'll look great in a wedding gown." He whispered huskily before walking away and leaving. "Bye bye~"

Your heart was pounding loud, 'Why?! Why does it have to be him?!' Knocking your chest where your heart would be.

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