Pretty Flower || Kurokawa Izana

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Medieval! / Historical Fantasy! AU : where in monarchs, aristocrats, knights and whatnots exists.

"Would it be weird if I said I wanted to disappear?"

Izana turns his head to look at me. You could feel the bewildered look his giving. His reaction would be normal since you haven't been talking to him for the past few days and the first you'd talk about was disappearing.

"I wanna be one with the wind. I think that's pretty cool." You remarked, staring at the seemingly endless night skies.

"What are you... Do you not want to be with me?" He started to frown.

"It's not that, silly." Your eyes soften as you lean back to lay on the clothed grass, covering the cloak Izana had placed on. Your hair spawled everywhere beneath you. Izana had his arm bend and placed above your head. Looking down on you, purple hues mapping your face.

"But if I am not here. Couldn't you be more free? No one to bound you nor hold you back." You muttered, trying not to let your sadness lace your words. "If I am not here, his highness could marry to a much powerful family to strengthen your faction-"

"Shut it. If you're not here, no one is able to ground me. And I'm afraid I would go berserk with no one to hold me back unless someone ends me." He grasps you, desperately so. You brought your hand to run through his hair from the back as you lean more into his neck.

"I'm sorry..." You claimed, eyes watering and heart wavering. You clutched on to him, he dips his nose at you cheek. "I'll be the strongest, I'll claim the throne so that no one could ever hurt you. Neither would they even dare or think of touching you." He pulls you closer into his embrace.

"You are my true goal." Izana implored. The throne, the empire, the factions. All of those, they weren't something he desired on his own. They fed and fueled him to it.

Away from it all, he runs away from it all as if he runs through an open field. The tall grasses soon came to reach above his knees, and by the distance he could see a pretty flower standing out.

You bloomed colors and alluring scents that made him unsually attracted. That made him desire for you all on his own.

He'll make it so that you'd be with him, stay with him and love him. Just please stay with him, he prayed. He'll give the whole empire and offer it all to the pretty flower that had caught his heart.

"You've already achieved that goal long before." You spoke, pulling away from his embrace to face him. Cupping his cheeks with your hands, he cups your one hand and leans on it, kissing it while looking right onto your eyes.

"I promise I will never disappear from you."

"I promise I will stay with you."

You both pledge an oath to each other, beneath the stars that witnessed both of your promises. Away from the land you both had to face later on.

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