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double update part 2
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I slam my door to my car shut and begin to walk up to my apartment when my phone dings for a notification.  I pull out my phone expecting it to be my mother asking me when she'll next see me but it's Elliot.

Elliot: Why the fuck is mum telling me your dating Roman cascade?

I sigh and dial his number. After a couple of rings he answers and doesn't even give me a chance to explain to him.

"What are you doing messing with him? He's fucking a Cascade. Charlotte you know better and you deserve better."

"It's fake."

The line goes silent for a while and I pull out my keys and open my door then walk in and shut it behind me. I walk straight to the kitchen and pull out a bottle of wine.

"So your fake dating Roman cascade, why?" He sounds calmer but I can still hear the hesitation in his tone.

"Look it's just so dads off my back. It won't get that far. I just need to persuade them I'm capable with him for a while so I can then act as if we've broken up. Hopefully they'll feel bad and won't push a relationship onto me." I swig the wine into my mouth.

"Right..I still don't think it's a good idea. The man is a mess and always gets what he wants. He's in this world deeper than us and I don't want you getting hurt."

"Elliot I  won't. I know how to look after myself."

"I know you do it's just your my little sister and-"

"You've never treated me like a kid before and now you are because i'm messing with someone which you always do. I know how to protect myself for fucks sake. I don't need you to make me feel like shit."

I end the call and place my phone down onto the counter resting my arms on either side.

My phone rings again but this time it's Roman. I groan out loud and just leave it to ring but when he calls again for a second time I answer.

"What do you want?" I'm really not in the mood to be dealing with him and whatever he wants me to do.

"I'm picking you up in two hours time. We're going out to this club I own. I'm meant to be hosting a party for the new vip area being opened."

"Look i'm sorry Roman but I don't think I can go i'm not really up for it." I toss back the wine and rub my forehead.

"Charlotte what's wrong?" He actually sounds panicked and it's making my heart act up. What?

"I'm fine i'm just sick of everyone treating me as if I can't be in control of my own life."

"I'll help you get your mind off things. We can have fun and do what adults do. We haven't gotta sit around and discuss your childhood phases or talk about how you always wanted a princess bed, let me pick you up and treat you like a woman. Not a kid."

"Okay.." I already feel myself smiling and I put the phone wedged between my ear and shoulder and walk towards my bedroom.

"Good. Be ready in two."

I toss the rest of my drink down my throat and when everyone is cheering me on, I smile slamming the glass back down on the table. Roman sits beside me in the VIP area with a few of his friends surrounding us. I think i like these people.

We've been drinking for a while and I'm staying to feel the buzz off it. Romans been nothing but kind to me and maybe he's being strange or i'm just paranoid but i can't stop thinking about it.

Even when we first came up here, he introduced everyone to me. When one of his friends offered to kiss my hand, he stepped in and said, "that's my girlfriend dipshit."

It was funny.

"Are you hungry?" he asks me turning his attention to me instead of the group who are now taking shots.

"Okay c'mon let's get food." I smile and when he stands and out stretches his hand, I allow him to pull me up.

"We're going now, i'll see you guys soon right?"They all look up immediately. Subconsciously Romans hand pulls me closer to him by my waist. Maybe it's the alcohol talking but I don't mind it.

It's defiantly the alcohol.

"Bring the chick again!" One of the guys shouts which has me laughing as Roman leads me out through the exit.

"What do you want to eat?" We walk alongside each other both a little slow due to drinking and when a chip shop catches my view, I run over towards it. Despite Roman calling out my name and my feet aching from my heels I make it to the door to see the owners starting to close up.

I bang my hand on the door startling the employees. "Please can we have a portion of chips?" Roman laughs as he stands next to me but when the employees say nothing and treat me as if i'm not here, he gently moves me over and knocks again.

"Serve us and i'll pay you £500." Now that has them rushing over to unlock the door. I look up at him to see he's already grinning down at me.

"Please may we have a portion of your finest chips in one of the paper cones."

"Coming right up." I smile and walk towards where Romans sitting and I take the seat opposite him.

"Thank you for tonight." I look down at my lap.

"Don't worry about it."

"Thanks for lying to your friends about us too." I look up to meet his eyes offering him a small smile but he looks sad. Sad at what i've just sad. I'm confused and I was going to ask him why he doesn't look happy but he stands and goes over to collect our chips.

I decide not to push him further and we leave the shop walking down the roads of London. "Has your father always been so..so controlling of you?" He asks shoving a chip into his mouth.

"Yeah. I do whatever he says and as much as I don't always agree with what he may want me to do, it's not a question it's always a order." I frown and remember all the memories.

The memories of him dictating when I couldn't see my friends because I had over things to learn. Things like how to drug a man.

"How about your parents?"

"mother wasn't around and my dad just wanted us to be like him."


"Oh do you have another sibling?"

"Yeah a sister." I nods in response and hold up the chips to him.

We continue walking for what feels like forever and even in the times where we're both silent, it's comfortable.

We finally reach my complex and he stops walking at the doors and just smiles. He turns to walk but I clear my throat.

"You can sleep here tonight. I have a spare room."

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