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It's been 2 weeks without Roman. 2 weeks without waking up in his arms. 2 weeks without his laughter.

I had been moping around as Elliot likes to call it. But I'd prefer to say it's more focusing on myself.  Facing Roman just didn't seem possible at the moment, so I decided to do what I know best.

Kill a man.

No not roman, don't worry.

I've slacked off my responsibilities recently and maybe this was a sign to get myself back on track.

And that's what brings me to being surrounded by sweaty people, head pounding music and some totally gross men.  I was perched at the bar, swaying the red wine in the glass waiting for my target.

I down the liquid in one and turn on my stool to see just the man I want currently pressing himself up against a young girl, who didn't entirely look content with whatever the hell he thought he was doing.

Sighing I make my way over to him, pushing through the other bodies making sure to sway my hips.

His eyes immediately light up as he takes my appearance all in. His hold on the other girl weakens and I dart my tongue out to slide across my bottom lip, then flash him a cheeky smile.

He mutters something in her ear and then walks towards me.

One of his hands press on the skin of my waist and I have to fight every urge in my body not to push it away. "You alone sweetheart?"

I nod my head pulling my lip between my teeth. I lead him with me through the back room behind the bar, the guy watching over it sending me a small nod.

I close the door to the private room behind us and sit down in the edge on the sofa. He comes over and stands in-front of me, placing a hand under my jaw and lifting my gaze to his.

"What do you want darling?" I only peer up at him through my eyelashes, making sure to provide that doe look. Men eat that shit up. Then I offer him a sheepish smile.

"Hm. You invited me here so i'm assuming you have something in mind." His hand rubs at my jaw.

As much as I don't want to, I avert my eyes and drag my hand slowly down his body following every move. I slip my hand through his belt and slowly begin to unbuckle it.

He chuckles, "Oh you naughty girl..that's what you wanted." I peer back up at him, grinning. "If that's what you want, then you better hurry."

I unbuckle his belt, his eyes on me making me uncomfortable. Then I slowly pull his trousers down. He groans and moves to place his hand around my neck.

"Tsk tsk." I push his hand away and take his other one behind his back. He smirks, "Oh she speaks. I knew you'd be into some weird shit."

Fucking naive.

With my spare hand I pull the band of his boxers back, watching the way it snaps back. A strangled noise leaves him. "I think you should sit down, therefore I can get comfortable..."

I whisper the last part of the sentance and he rushes to sit beside me. Straddling his thigh with one leg, his hand comes to rest on my hip. I press my lips to his neck, gently brushing over the skin. "Please sweetheart stop playing with me."

My weight presses onto him and he lifts his head off the side of the sofa to press into my neck. He closed his eyes and when he tries to make my hips move, I snake my hand under my dress and pull out the dagger.

I plunge it into his chest. He jolts forward wide eyed, "Oh you bitch!" He yells and moves one hand to wrap around my throat.

I plunge the knife over and over again, the hold on my throat tightening. I gasp out for breathe and despite the colour draining from his face he rolls us around, me now beneath him.

"Get off me you fucking cunt!" His shirt is soaking red and the blood trails down his arms and dripping into my dress. His hand tries to take the weapon from me, so instead I go to throw it over his head.

It clanks once it hits the ground and he pushes off me staggering backwards. I sharply inhale, trying to fill my chest with oxygen again.

His movements falter. My heel comes into contact with his groin and by using every part of energy in my body, I push him backwards. He falls to the ground and doesn't get back up afterwards.

My chest heaves and I can still feel the weight of his hand wrapped around my neck.

I need to get out of here.

I pick up the dagger, wiping the blood off it with the material of his shirt. It wouldn't be the wisest decision to leave the same way I came in, so I take a left down the hallway and open the fire exit door round the back alley.


I turn to the voice, and out from the shadow steps the person I'd been avoiding. His presence yet alone reduces the tension in my shoulders. The sound of his voice sending heat through my body.

He steps forward and his hand slides under my jaw. His eyes search over my body, searching for any signs of harm. His lips press into a line and when he looks back into my eyes, his soften.

"Who did this to you?" I can't move. I don't want to move. I didn't realise how much I had been craving his touch.

"No one.." I mutter.

"Well clearly someone happened. Fuck look at the bruises on your neck. I swear I'll kill them-" He rambles.

"He's already dead. Bleeding out in a room just in there." He nods, and gulps harshly. I watch him slide his blazer off and wrap it around my shoulders. I didn't even notice I was shaking.

"C'mon let me help you." An arm wraps around my waist and he pulls me to walk with him, out and through the side of the road to where I see his familiar car parked.

"This doesn't mean anything." I say when he opens the door and ushers me into the passenger seat. It's hard not to watch him walk around to the drivers seat of the car.

"Charlotte just let me help you okay? I still care for you no matter what you think of me." His eyes are almost pleading with mine. Reluctantly, I nod. He turns the key into the ignition and begins the drive home.

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