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If you like the nightmare trope, you'll enjoy this! Remember to vote <3


Walking back to my apartment, Jules takes my hand in hers and whispers in my ear, "that was pretty badass." I can't help but laugh. "No seriously you've got massive balls."

"What's that about massive balls?" Jules gets dragged back by an arm and her back flushes against Lucas. He looks down at her smirking and she hits his arm moving to walk beside him. 

The two of them start talking and i'm not long left walking by myself because Roman catches up next to me. When I look up at him, he's already looking down at me smiling. "What?"

He smiles and shakes his head, returning his gaze back in front of him. "Roman tell me." He chuckles a low throaty laugh that messes with my head.

So I decide to do something others may call...petty. I call it being tactical.

I stop walking and he turns to face me. He looks so handsome and I can't believe I haven't told him. His usually bright green eyes are now darker and he's cleaned up his hair.  His black shirt strains around his muscular arms, arms that like to pin mine above my head. And those slacks he's wearing do things too me. His thighs thick and heavy, tight in them.

I snap out of my trace when his large hand engulfs mine pulling me forward. I continue walking without saying anything but I take the occasional glance at our hands hanging connected by my side.

"You blushed when I called you love earlier." I look up at him and he's grinning looking forward. "I totally did not."

He shakes his head and squeezes my hand in his, "don't lie." I can already feel my face getting hotter and im thankful for it being dark outside. "I wasn't blushing, I was just..hot."

My statement causes him to laugh again, "You were hot in this." He looks down at my dress again and his gaze lingers longer on my chest. I watch as he gulps harshly, now avoiding my own gaze. "mhm."

"Right." He runs his free hand through his hair and I don't miss the way his Jaw ticks.

"Hurry up guys!"

After sharing a few drinks at mine, Jules and Lucas left to go to their hotel. Roman however still sits on my couch shoving popcorn he found in my cupboards into his mouth.

I stand and leave him alone so I can get myself ready for bed. Walking into my bedroom, I open up my wardrobe and grab out an oversized shirt and pants. Going into the bathroom, I strip the makeup off my face and begin to remove the clothes from my body stepping into the shower.

The water runs smoothly down my body and I scrub in the shampoo. I can hear moving around and I freeze. I hear a thud and it sounds as if someone's plopped on my bed. I hurry washing my hair and putting in conditioner. I scrub my body and rub in my my wash lotion.

Once i'm changed, I ruffle my hair with the towel and I then guide my brush through it. I brush my teeth and place everything away.

Walking into my bedroom, I stop. Roman lays asleep on one side of my bed. I internally groan and turn on the light on the bedside table, turning off the main light.

Maybe I should just move him over, wake him up?

I go to place my hand on his shoulder but i refrain. He looks calm in his sleep. Much different from his usual toothy grin, or his furrowed brow.

I decide to get in beside him, careful not to allow any of my body to touch his. I force my back facing him and I move over even more. Allowing sleep to consume me, I shut my eyes.

Staggering through the crowds I look around for Elliot. I need to find him and I need to loose this masked man. Our family and mob groups my father knows are scattered all around our home and I have to say my apologies every time i bump into someone.

"there you are." Someone grabs my arm and I panic. It's only my mother. "Look come on we're gonna go and all have a drink." I turn around and I can't see the man anymore. I let out a sigh of relief.

"oh my goodness." Suddenly my shirt feels cold. Looking down there's a red liquid staining my dress shirt. "It's no problem, Charlotte should of been watching where she was going." I look up and offer a smile at the lady who accidentally spilled her drink on me.

She walks away but not before apologising again. "you've gotta be careful char, go get changed." I nod and walk back throw everyone and make my way towards the stairs.

I walk up the stairs and i walk down the hallway to my room. In the corner of my eye, I see something go past. I turn back around and see no one. Great now my minds playing tricks on me.

I go to open my door and when i feel a hand scrape across the skin of my collarbone, I scream opening my door and shutting it.

I was expecting noise or at-least expecting someone there but nothing happens. I shrug and place my ear to the door, taking hold of the handle in my hand so no one could move it.

Still no noise.

Except a smell. A cruel one. I feel something under my heel and when I look down I see the blood pooling under my door.

I stagger backwards out of shock, rummaging through my bedside table for my gun and when the door slams open and I scream.

"Charlotte wake up!"I jolt upwards breathing erratically. My visions blurry, clouded with tears and I choke on my sobs. I look around the room looking for that same figure.

"Charlotte look at me." I turn at the voice i recognise to be Roman and his panic filled eyes search mine. "It's okay, your okay."

I shake my head and when his hands come up to wipe the tears away from my face. "He..he was right there."

"No one's there love, no one. Your safe here with me." I feel him wrap an arm around my shoulder and I don't dare move away. He pulls me into his chest and he lays down on his back. My head now rests on his chest. He keeps one arm around me and the other grips my hand. "See your with me."

He takes our conjoined hands and kisses the top of my hand. I feel my tears begin to slow and I nod into his chest. "It's okay to sleep, I'll still be here."

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