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I push myself up hurriedly, hearing repeated knocking. I turn over and look at the time, reading 3:46 am. I groan and decide against opening the door. Once i've lauded back down, Roman shifts slightly in his sleep, waking up.

Trying to ignore the knocking becomes harder. The knocks become more forced and louder. Pressing my hands to Romans shoulders, I lightly shake him until he wakes up. He rubs his eyes groaning, and I watch him turn on the bedside lamp.

He turns back around to face me, his features alarming at my uneasiness. "What's wro-" He's cut off by another loud knock. He turns his direction to the closed bedroom door.

"Look..i'll go see who it's okay. I'll get them to leave." He cups my face in his hands pressing a small kiss to the side of my head. "Stay in here and do not move."

"Please..i'm sure it's just someone drunk." I mutter, but he doesn't look convinced. He lifts the cover off his body, sliding out. "Then you'll have nothing to worry about." He sends me a small smile, but it disappears within an instant when a loud sound crashes down. I visibly flinch.

"Fuck.." He moves around, shoving his hand into the drawer pulling out my gun. He wastes no time in opening the bedroom door. When he turns to close it, he holds his finger to his lips signalling to me to be quiet.

I stay quiet, trying my hardest not to make a racket when I climb off the bed, pulling a hoodie over my body.

There's a moment of pure silence and it's hard for me not to open that door and see what is happening. I hear nothing for a still moment, and then the sound of crashing glass.

My body jumps forward and then I'm pressing my body against the door, listening for any more commotion.

I can hear yelling and swearing, some Roman and some coming from a voice i've never heard before. It's young and gravely, and sounds frightened.

But when the yelling stops, my shoulders slump.

"You fucking piece of shit."

A ringing sound waves through my apartment and I'm rushing out the bedroom as quick as I can. There's adrenaline rushing through me and every hair i'm my body is standing, goosebumps spreading through out.

I'm too caught up in my emotions to even arm myself. I'm swinging myself past the rooms and into the kitchen area where I see a pile of blood sweeping around the corner.

My mouth goes dry.

No one is to be seen. My mind is rushing to all the possibilities.

Has Roman been shot and whoever just broke into my apartment just ran? Was that bullet intended for me? Are they still in here?

I walk around the counter, my heart pounding loudly in my chest.

"I told you to fucking wait until I was finished." Roman says, standing up from his crouching position. He's looking through a wallet, one I presume belongs to the bleeding body laying beneath him.

"I-fucking hell Roman." My eyes widen, the man drained of colour, blood seeping through his shirt. It was clear to see the bullet was sent through his heart. "Oh my god." 

I look back at him watching the grin grow on his face. "I never miss a shot." He digs a hand into the wallet, and takes out a couple of credit cards. He shoves them into his back pocket. "These will come in handy."

"Who the fuck is he?" I ask, trying to remind Roman we're currently standing in the kitchen with a dead body. One Roman killed.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out. I'm looking for some sort of ID. He definitely knows what he's doing though. And not to alarm you, i'm pretty sure he was looking for you. The prick was pretty shocked when he found out you weren't alone."

I gulp, "jesus christ.." I bring up a hand to rub my head.

"Go pack a bag, get everything important. Your coming to stay with me." He takes out another piece of card, shoving it also into his pocket.

"What why?"

"There's no way in hell i'd let you stay here by yourself. If you thought for a moment I would, you've lost your mind. You can't stay here with your door broken down."

"Right..oh my god my door is broken down." I turn around looking at it fallen to the ground. "I just painted it that colour too!"

Roman laughs behind me, "Charlotte please just go get your stuff. I'll try get some of your things together too."

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