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The moment I saw Charlotte, I was speechless. Of course I was excited when I saw her, but that emotion soon turned south when I saw the marks another man had left on her.

I wanted nothing more than to take her in my arms and care for her. To make sure she was alright and that son of a bitch who hurt her, was dead.

Just the thought of him causes my knuckles to go white, the steering while being firmly gripped.

Turning my head to take in a glance of her, she stares out the window, her head resting in her palm. She looks emotionless, her plump lips resting without a smile that I do miss.

She hasn't said a word to me.

"Charlotte? what happened?" I ask, returning my eyes back to the road.

"I was doing a job." Her response is vague, and her body is still tense. I can feel her pain and I wish I could take it all away.

"The marks on your neck..did he touch you anywhere else? Please tell me nothing happened." Fucking hell. My body shivers and every hair on my arms are sticking up. My chest feels like it's going to cave in, just anticipating her answer.

"No..no nothing like that happened. Slimy fuck didn't get the chance too.."

And with that admission, my body feels a little lighter. The obvious element in the room now addressed. The tension decreased.

"So he is dead right?" I pull up at the traffic lights and take it as my chance to look over at her. Her eyes are now set on the road infront of us.

The marks on her neck are bruising deeper, the blue colour becoming so much more prominent. I can see his handprints, see how he took advantage of her.

"As dead as he'll ever be." She looks back over to me, sending me a small smile. She's almost reassuring me, when in fact it should be the other way around.

"I'm proud of you." I say, pulling into the road I live on.

"Thank you..also thank you for this." She mutters quietly. I only nod in response and the drive through to my home. Once parked, we both jump out and walk inside.

"If you don't mind, I can help you with your bruises. I have something that helps. Sounds stupid but I promise you it works. And also only if your comfortable with it, I totally understand if-"

"Roman." She interrupts me. I look into her eyes. "It's okay. You can help."

I gulp and nod, awkwardly making my way up the stairs and into the bathroom. She follows me and when we're in the bathroom, she lifts herself onto the counter.

I open one of the cupboards and take out a pot of cream. "Looks stupid I know, but my sister taught me this trick after I got into my first fight I guess.."

She only pursers her lips, "right okay. If this hurts in anyway let me know." I take some out, the perfect amount and hesitantly raise my fingers over the bruising. I gently rub the cream in, being sure to be as calm as possible.

She doesn't flinch, nor protest against me. So I continue. And once i'm content I pull my hand back. "This stuff should help it be less sore and bright.."

She nods, looking down. "You can stay in the guest room if you want.. I can also get you some clothes to sleep in."

"Okay." She says, hoping off and walking out the bathroom and towards the spare room.

I let out a shaky breathe, one I didn't know I was tensing.

It's obvious she doesn't want to be around me. She's only letting me help her for her own benefit of course. But no matter what, I will show her how much I do love her. How much I missed her.

I walk into my own bedroom, opening the wardrobe and then pulling out a pair of sweatpants and boxers, not knowing what she would prefer and then the purple sweater I own. The one she herself brought me, but I know she likes it.

I still remember when she brought me it and came home. "Roman, you need some colour. You wear the same colours over and over again." She told me, holding the bag in her hand.

"That's rich coming from you. Miss I love red." I shake my head, laughing lightly.

She feigns offence, "well technically it's a colour. Anyway here I got this for you." She hands me the bag, and when I open it and take out the purple sweater, I look her dead in the eyes.

"What makes you think i'll wear this? Fucking hell looks like someone's been sick." She laughs loudly, then placing her hand over her mouth.

"Thought you would look nice in purple." She says, smiling at me. She stares up at me, not breaking eye contact. She continues smiling. "I know what your doing.." I try look away from her, my cheeks heating.

"I-I." She runs her hand through her hair, the dark strands falling to frame her face. She swipes her tongue over her bottom lip. I break.

"Okay Jesus christ I'll go try it on."

Looking down at the material in my hand, I clutch it closer at the memory. I need to take this slowly.  I need to show her that she isn't wasting her heart on me.

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