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I place my hand on top of Charlottes, and to my father it looks like we're an affectionate couple but in reality i'm savouring the moment. It almost feels like she is too, especially when her hand gives mine a gentle squeeze.

"What do you see in my son?" My father sits opposite us with his hands resting in his lap meanwhile holding eye contact with Charlotte, almost staring her down. She moves to sit forward, trying to show that she isn't easily intimidated. "Wow thanks.."

"I think he's charming really..and he's funny." My father raises his eyebrows at her suspiciously, and she gives long glance over at me before parting her lips to speak.

"He's dedicated and determined to get what he wants. I've noticed it with everything he does and it is admirable..." My father leans back into the sofa easing up at her words but his stone face gives nothing away. "I was quick to shut him down and no matter what he's kept trying. Here we are now happily together."

"And how do we know your not using him for your own advantage." I scoff shaking my head but when he narrows his eyes over at me, I avert my gaze below me.

"Because when I first met him, I didn't know who he was but he still chased after me. Even if he knew who i was, he put himself in that position and we've built up a relationship of trust. I can assure you I would never do that. I understand the principals of the mob and the agreement between your son and my father."

He nods his head in response and I squeeze Charlottes hand. He may not show it but I know he's pleased with her answer to his question.

Growing up my father never showed us when he was proud of us, but would rather encourage us to do better until we couldn't. If that meant we were overworked and not living a healthy lifestyle then that was what we had to do. My father made sure that me and Sofia were the person he could never be.

"I would also like to meet your parents." Charlotte nods and my father stands wiping his hands down his shirt. Me and Charlotte both stand and I place one hand on the small of her back as we walk my father out.

"It was lovely meeting you." She flashes him a smile which he barely reciprocates and only gives me a slight shake of his head before leaving.

She closed the door after him and sighs in relief leaning with her back against the door. "That felt so long." I cant help it but i stay to smile and when she opens one eye, I laugh. She raises her hand and squints her eyes at me but I continue laughing.

"Roman that's not what I meant.." Her lips curl upwards, "But you could mean it." I watch her mouth hang open and I continue laughing.

Walking into the kitchen, I open the fridge and grab out a water bottle. When I turn around, Charlotte is digging through the jar on the island reaching for the cherry lollipop. She smiles once she grabs it out and begins to take the plastic off.

"Do you want to go to dinner?" She looks at me blankly for a second and I wonder if she is ignoring me. "What like a date or.."


"I mean whatever you want it to be. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." She visibly softens at my words and it makes my heart ache for a moment.

"Then a date it is." She grins turning her back to me taking another lollipop and shoving it into her purse.

"Do you come here often?" She asks, taking a mouthful of her food. "No it's my first time. My sister recommended it. She came here with her girlfriend and said the service was amazing."

She smiles and I take a spoon of my own food. "I don't know how our parents will get on.." She ponders on, "my family are very over the top..and yours are very calm. Too calm for my liking." I laugh and she shakes her head looking down.

"It'll be okay, they both just want what's best. Your mother and father may be a little to enthusiastic." She takes another spoonful and moves to sit upright fully, her leg under the table brushes against mine and when I expect her to move away, she doesn't.

"When can I meet your sister?" I look up and she's grinning at me. "Whenever you want. I'm sure she'd be happy to meet you. She'd end up liking you more than me."

"Well I am a very and i mean very likeable person." yeah I know.

"I guess you can say that." I take a sip of my drink, shutting myself up before I can say anything else.

"If you'll excuse me." I nod and watch as she stands up. She flattens down her dress and I watch her leave . Her body sways with each step and when she steps out of my sight and I look up, her eyes squint while she smiles at another guy. He seems pleased to see her.

My fist subconsciously clenches and i feel myself become irritated. He talks to her with a content look in her eyes. She smiles as she talks and I grow inevitably jealous.

She walks off into the bathroom and I look closer at him. He now stares down at his food, pulling out his phone smiling.

What the fuck?

Have they had a thing in the past? Does he like her? Why am I jumping to conclusions they could be family?

I look down at my watch and wait until Charlotte comes back and when she does, she notices the scowl on my face. "What's wrong?"

Looking into her eyes i feel some somewhat better, she's softened her face and is genuinely asking me with worry. I just shake my head and look back over to the man she was just speaking to. She follows my line of gaze and instantly bursts into laughter.

I scoff and turn to her. She's grinning again like she was again just a moment ago. With him.

"Your jealous." she states. Yeah no shit Sherlock. "i'm fine." I look back down at my lap and allow my hands to rest on the table, hand in hand.

Her small hands wrap around mine and I look up meeting her eyes. She's no longer grinning at me like i'm stupid, but is instead looking at me with a softness. I melt.

"He's nothing to worry about. He's my brothers bestfriend and he's practically my brother. He's also dating a guy." oh.

"Oh okay." I allow my hand to hold hers securely and she gives it a little squeeze. The waiter comes over, I pay and then we leave the
restaurant, walking side by side.

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