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The dagger strapped to my thigh scratched against my skin every now and then. But i've gotta take precaution. Especially in a room full of oozing testosterone and alcohol. It does give me a sense of buzz.

Looking around the club I eye up everyone. They all seem to either have a girl sitting on them or begging at their mercy. I flatten down my red dress before making my way over to the bar, careful not to nudge the knife.

"Hey doll, whatcha drinking?" The bartender rushes over to me, greeting me with a smirk but not before giving my body a once over. How nice.

"Just a glass of white wine thank you." I offer him a smile and watch as he moves through the stations.

"Here you go doll." He places my wine down and blows me a kiss as he goes off to tend to others. I suppress a laugh and just wave him off with my hand.

As I take a smile sip my phone buzzes and I pull it out of my bra. God I love being a woman.

Elliot: hey you alright?

I can't help the smile rise on my face. Does he think i'm incapable of poisoning a man? I've done worse and he knows it.

Me: Im fine stop stressing

I watch the grey bubbles type for what feels like forever before getting an..

Elliot: okay be safe :)

I turn off my phone placing it back in my bra and I look around once more. My eyes were immediately caught in a trance by a pair of green eyes. They stared at my brown eyes almost trying to figure me out.

I let my eyes trail down his attire. He wore a tight black shirt, his muscular frame begging to be let free. He wore these deliciously tight dress pants and his fingers were coated in ink and silver rings.

Slowly returning back to meet his eyes I couldn't stop myself from admiring his face. His dark brown facial hair clean and kept and his dark hair. God had to be testing me right now.

Only when I heard the commotion near the entrance did I tear my eyes away from him and onto the group of men entering. I could still feel the strangers eyes staring into the side of my face. I smile when I see some of the men coming to the bar.

I take another sip of my wine and then heard the stool next to me being pulled out.

"My oh my. What are you doing here all alone Darling?"

I turned my body to meet the new groggy voice beside me.

"I was meant to be meeting someone." I fake a voice of disappointment l, swirling the wine in the glass refusing the one sided eye contact.

"That's a shame. Only a boy would do such a thing mi amor." He lifts my hand up, wrapping it in his cold hands before placing a delicate kiss.

I force a smile and let my hand trail up and down his bicep. As my eyes meet his, he chuckles before moving my hand away and placing his over mine on my thigh.

"Can we get the lady here another glass?" The bartender came rushing over, refilling my glass and then backing off.

"Thank you." I take another sip of my own drink and watch as he begins to order himself a whiskey. Bold choice.

Just then another man someone I deemed to be working for the guy next to me comes over whispering in his ear. I can only make out a few words; boss, blood, and threat.

As he turns his back, I fiddle with the necklace I wear and watch as the powder falls out. I give it a swirl before placing it back down.

He turns back to me a smile beginning to grace up his lips. His hand moved up and down my thigh now and I watch eagerly as his hands pic up his glass. As he takes a couple of sips I cant help but feel pride swell in my chest.

The other stool moves out from beside me. I shift uncomfortably and when I turn my head, I see no other than the stranger from earlier. I can already feel my face picking up heat and myself turning red.

"You okay doll?" I painfully tear my eyes away from his and back onto the guy in here for. He looks worried as he takes his last gulp of his drink.

"It's okay. I mean i'm okay. I think i'm gonna get some air." He nodded and I pat my dress down walking out.

Easy as pie.

I walk no wait let me rephrase. I stride to my car with the grin on my face and I fiddle with the lock.

As I open the door, it's immediately shut and my back is pressed against the door. I gasp as my eyes are met with a chest. I'm caged in by muscular arms and a musky cologne. Fuck.

"Right i'm giving you three seconds to fuck off or I will-"

I stop. Not on my own accord but because I physically can't go on. There he is the stranger from earlier.


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