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The calm before the storm ;)

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"Oh my god it's beautiful!" I watch Charlottes mother gush over the ring I recently put on her finger. I was nervous the entire time because everything needed to be perfect. She deserved nothing less.

"Dear look." Mr Loretto smiles and presses a gentle kiss to the side of his daughters head causing a smile to grow on her face. "It is wonderful, i'm so happy for you too." He turns to me, giving me a firm nod which I repeat.

"You must inform Elliot of such news! I'm waiting for that young man to find himself a wife. All he seems to be finding is trouble for himself." Charlotte laughs. From what I understand, the two siblings have always had a close bond but don't exactly have all the time for eachother.

"Don't worry about him, he'll settle soon." She reassured defending her brother in his absence. She ushers me over and I go and sit next to her.

I place my hand firmly on her thigh giving it a gentle squeeze and subconsciously she melts into my side. "You really do make me happy." I mutter into her ear, causing the biggest smile on her face.

"Father Roman does have your blessing right?"


He stills for a moment looking between the two of us, "Of course. He makes you happy and that therefore means i'm happy. As long as he keeps up with his conditions-" He narrows his eyes at me, but I let out a huge cough before he can finish his sentence.

"His conditions?" Charlotte asks, rubbing her hand on my back comfortingly. I feel terrible lying to her. It's all worth it though, I've finally got her and she actually likes me too.

"He's talking about the mutual peace between us." She hesitantly nods and looks down at her lap. I return the heated look at Mr Loretto who only shrugs, "Me and your mum better get going but it was lovely seeing you."

His wife accepts his hand, and the two stand. Charlotte embraces them in a tight hug and moments later we're bidding our goodbyes.

"I still have one more birthday gift for you." I walk up the stairs and to our bedroom. I hear Charlotte following me and when I walk inside, she closes the door behind us.

"What is it?" She asks, standing with her hands behind her back no doubt fiddling with them in anticipation.

I lay down on the bed propping up the pillows to properly support my head. I pat the space next to me, motioning her over.

She climbs onto the bed, the thin material of her dress stretching around her ass causing my mouth to water. I plant my hands on her hips pulling her to straddle my upper chest, causing her to let out a loud gasp.

"I want you to sit your pretty ass on my face." I watch her reaction rubbing and kneading the skin of her thighs. She gulps.

"Won't that like-"

"What suffocate me?" I grin watching her grow shy, a pink hue spreading on her face.

"Yeah..I wouldn't want to hurt you."

"tsk tsk. You wouldn't hurt me darling, I want this. I want to make you feel good. Please allow me to make you feel good?"

She chews on her bottom lip but moves herself closer to me. "That's it, good girl." I wrap my hands under the material of her thong, pulling it down.

"Come closer." I whisper looking up at her. She slowly edges closer and I place one hand on the small of her back. She moves to take ahold of the headboard.

"Sit." She succumbs, placing herself on top of me with a heavy exhale. She looks down at me as I begin to suck on her, her lip no longer drawn into her mouth but now parted letting out small whimpers.

I groan underneath her, the vibrations making her squirm. One of my hands snake around to grab her ass, squeezing when she moves away from my mouth. "Stop fucking squirming."

"I-it's impossible." She moves her hips subtly against me, still looking down at me. Her face is calm with content, lips parted and faced flushed.

"It is, and your gonna take what you get. You okay with that darling?" She nods shaking her head frantically, pants of air leaving her mouth.

I waste no time in putting my mouth to work. Exploring her, sucking her and indulging in her. I never wanted to forget this moment, and I never wanted her to. She clings onto the headboard harshly, her knuckles turning white.

I feel her chase her high, her sounds becoming louder and her hips absentmindedly moving a lot more faster. Seconds later, she's coming undone.

Her body's tired leaving me to gently move my hands to her hips and picking her up. I carry her into the bathroom and place her down onto the toilet while I run her a warm bath.

Smoothing my running my hands through her hair I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead. "You okay my love?"

A small smile rests on her face, "never been better."

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