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"I saw what you did there." He keeps a straight face while his eyes stare intensely into mine as I fight with myself to keep mine also on his and not his lips. It was hard to do so, especially since he was so close to me.

"Yeah and? Do me a favour and back up." I smile. Father never raised me to back down. It was one of my best qualities. I'd always been able to stand up for myself and I think being one of the children for his organisation only made it even more necessary.

He tilted his head and moved one of his hands to rest on my jaw with his fingers slowly rubbing up and down.

"Okay i'm not being funny can you move before I swear I will kick you where the sun-"

Before I can finish my sentence his lips come crashing down into mine and I immediately kiss back not willing to miss any second. He was kissing me so harshly as his hand that previously was on my jaw slowly fall down to the base of my throat securing his grip.

I smiled into the kiss letting my hands rest against his hard chest. He pulled away suddenly and I couldn't help but feel disappointed. His hand moved off my throat and he took a step back, the cold air swallowing me while.

"See you tonight Love." what? just? happened?
I watch as he strides off and climbs into the backseat of a black convertible and signals for the driver to press on the gas. Even his walk had me hooked to him.

Hauling out of my car, I closed the door making sure to lock it before walking into my apartment building. The sound of my heels clicking up the stairs were the only sound which was unusual. There seemed to be always some commotion happening in this building whether it was rowdy neighbours or police sirens.

I fumble with my keys, sighing when i open and push the door close behind me. I bend down unstrapping my heels and instant relief fills me once my feet meet the cold floor. I turn to slip the switch and walk into the living room bending down to stroke my kitten axel.

He jumps up at my legs and every feeling of tension left me. He meows, happy to see me and I smile. I place a kiss on his head and open up the can of cat food, spooning it into his bowl. Once he starts eating I move into my bedroom.

I turn on the light, and walk over to my vanity and take off my hoop earings. I strip my clothing off piece by piece before sliding on my red satin shorts and shirt night set. I move to push my hair up into a bun and make my way into the bathroom.

I reach out for a wash cloth and begin to wash my face with the hot water. Once my skin is bare, I reach for my moisturiser but I freeze when I hear a door slam shut.

I open one of the drawers and pull out my gun, stalking throw the hallway. I hear nothing but as I make my way towards the living room, I hear the soft meowing of Axel.

How could I be so stupid? It's the cat. I got so worked up over nothing.

I rest my gun down by my side walking straight through to the kitchen placing my gun down on the countertop. When I turn around there he is.

"What the fuck?" I grab my gun again, quickly unlocking the safety and pointing it at him as he does nothing but continue to stroke Axel.

"Did you fucking follow me here?" He looks up and provides me no answer but stands to his full height and leans on the island. When I motion for him to speak he just smirks amused at me.

When he doesn't answer me, I try a different approach.

"Who do you work for?" I almost shout at him. This time he steps forward

"No one you need to worry about, now put the gun down love." His voice deep and rich and it immediately makes the hairs on my arms stick up.  When I don't say anything back, he walks forward again placing his palm over my gun and taking it gently from my grip.

"I told you I would be back." He says, sliding my own gun back into his own waist band but I'm too preoccupied by his close proximity too give a care.

"How did you know I live here?" I ask, my voice coming out more softer and quieter than I originally wanted.

"You act as if you don't have a bounty over your head, of course I know who you are Charlotte. The question is, do you know who I am?" For a second I completely forget the lifestyle I live, the lifestyle I chose.

If he knew what I did and who I was, surely he must be like me. He must of been watching me the entire time at the club. What if this was all. set up? What if Elliot set this up? Did my own brother me dead?

All the thoughts run through my head and before I know it im pushing my hands on his chest pounding them as I try to reach down and retrieve my gun. His hand catches my wrist before I can.

"Get out before I kill you." I grit out, watching his eyes linger on my lips. He lifts my hand and I'm confused. I feel the familiar feeling of a metal handle and when I pull out the gun, it's not mine it's his.

It's darker and like mine has his name embroidered on the handle. Roman Cascade. My breathing hitches, and i go to pull the trigger immediately, but he's quicker than I anticipated. He pulls my arms towards him, knocking the gun out and before I realise his lips are on mine.

I relish in the familiar feeling, his soft lips devouring mine once again. I cant help but reciprocate the action, my lips moving in sync with his and I feel my body loosen. His grip softens and one of his hands comes to rest under my jaw, pulling me closer.

My arms wrap around his neck and when he pulls on my bottom lip, I cant help but let out a strangled sound. He dives back into kissing me but I can feel his smirk growing, one hand now moving lower on my back.

I'm first to pull back, and I lean my forehead against his. His hot breathe fanning across my parted lips as he speaks.

"One night." He says, his hand caressing my face.

I nod, "One night." That was all he needed, before he pulled me in the direction of my bedroom.

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