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Me and Laila are currently sitting in a milkshake shop and she laughs at what I previously said. "No but i'm serious it's one of my biggest fears." She slams her hands down on the table and others around us glance over at us.

"Your-your I cant." She laughs again and i find myself chuckling alongside. "It happens you know, saw a report about a family who experienced it. Said the father thought she was just constipated."

"Your telling me one of your biggest fears is giving birth on the toilet." She laughs again and when I nod my head she brings her mouth onto the straw, slurping up her strawberry milkshake.

I take a sip of my chocolate one and when I look up at Laila she begins to smile again.

I met Laila that one time I was at the club with Elliot and Adam. Although I met multiple girls that time, I personally believe that me and Laila just clicked. She's very funny and lighthearted and this is someone I defiantly wish came into my life sooner

"Oh my god wanna know what my biggest fear is?" I look up and she's biting her lip smiling. I nod my head and she continues, "butterflies." I stare at her, jaw open and eyes wide.

"What? Is it that bad?" She chuckles nervously and when I swallow a large sip of my drink I frantically shake my head. "No no of course not. It's just my brothers scared of them two." She smiles.

The sound of glass shattering has me snapping my head away from Laila's gaze. Screams flood the shop and I watch Laila freak out in the corner of my eye.

I reach for Romans gun in my bag and when I turn to Laila I shake my head, gesturing for her to stay situated in the booth at the back of the shop.

I can already hear the shouting and orders from the me and I wince slightly. Hesitantly making my way up and out of the booth, I lean against the wall around the corner and remove the safety of my gun.

I watch men in masks scout around the place, wailing what seems to be guns and one individual shouting at the lady behind the counter.

I move closer, catching the eye of another family. They're frantically shaking there heads at me but I offer than a reassuring nod. I can now get a better look on the guy at the hill. He's got a gun pointed at the lady as she stuffs the cash out the register and into the bag.

Except that gun they're waving around isny actually a gun. It's a model.

How do I know that you may be asking?

I recognise it to be the exact same model my father got me when I was 13 to learn how to hold and shoot a gun properly. It came with small foam bullets and despite looking deadly from the outside, it can't do no harm.

Smirking to myself, I step forward and shoot my gun up into the roof. The men step back and gasp. They hold out their guns to me but i'm grinning like an idiot.

"Put your toys away and give back the cash before I blow your heads off." Its silent and all I can hear is my thumping heart and the gasps and heavy breathes of others around.

"You don't tell us shit bitch." The one at the counter says, nudging his 'gun' into the workers chest, making her choke on a sob.

"Oh but I will. Especially when your throwing around a fake gun that can't do shit. Meanwhile I think i've made it clear that mine isn't some toy."

The other guys who were previously shouting abuse at the other customers were now looking back and forth between each other under their masks.

"This isn't a fake gun. Shut your mouth and sit your pretty ass down." He leaves the lady at the counter alone, and I watch her let out a breath of relief. He begins to make his way over to me slowly.

"Fine. I'll count to three." I tighten my finger around the trigger. "One." He continues walking towards me, "two." It doesn't look like he's changing his mind. "three."

I pull the trigger aiming for his leg. He screams as well as others in the shop. I watch him stumble to the ground and fail to regain his balance. I reach my hand down and allow myself to pull his gaze up to mine. "Don't fucking try this again."

His other friends run out the store leaving him pathetically alone. He tries to stand once more and is successful. He limps out of the store and when he's gone, others in the shop cheer. I dismiss them and wait until Laila comes up to me.

"That was so badass!" She grins holding onto my arm. "Thank you, but I hope you don't mind if I cut our day short. I've got some things to deal with now if you know what I mean."

"Of course." She walks back to the booth, I presume to collect her things. Meanwhile I walk outside and pull out my phone. I call the first number I can think of. And the person I need right now.


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