The investigation (part 3)

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A.N:  I tried to draw Leon the way I imagine him in this story. It's kinda wonky, because I didn't get the pose right. In my defense, my reference was a front view of Leon's face. For that alone, you're welcome XD


"Sir.... Leon.", Percival drawled the words out as long as possible. "As in, you're also a knight.


Just like us. I mean... allegedly. And you're not... you're not making fun of my boyfriend."

The stern look in his eyes screamed something between 'are you kidding me' and 'I really hate you right now', but the doctor just let himself drop onto the next couch.
Overwhelmed and unfortunately, completely serious.

Sir Leon nodded. His shoulders lowered, his head resting in his hands already, as if he was contemplating every choice he has ever made in his life.
Choices, which he just spend the last three hours explaining to them.

And which were -allegedly – a very short run down of the past 1500 years.

Gwaine was just staring now. His own grin had fallen into a disbelieving smile.
No one, ever, had ever even pretended to believe him. To the point where Gwaine had doubted his own ideas.
Actually, to be completely honest, Gwaine had never truly believed in the idea himself all that much. He had mostly just loved how neatly everything worked together. How fitting the puzzle pieces were.

The mere fact that no one could prove him wrong, plus the controversy intrigued him. He loved the idea. And the messing with people. From then on, he had simply believed in it. Believed in being a knight.

That didn't mean he had ever expected someone to simply agree with him. To confirm his fantastic ideas.
To go as far as spin the story further.

Leon had told them of Camelot. Of Arthur, of Merlin, of beasts and curses, witches and bandits. And every single story felt strangely familiar. Fantastic and beautiful in their own way.

Only yesterday, when Arthur Pendragon had called Gwaine, because the evidences Gwaine had found were helping him with a case, Gwaine had been ecstatic. Someone shared his idea. Someone wanted to know more. Someone else had the same suspicions as him.
But that was all they were.
Suspicions, ideas.

Leon claimed they were facts. And Gwaine was giddy with the idiocy.

That's why Gwaine was certain he didn't need a therapist. He was aware of his insanity. No matter how crazy Percival thought he was being, Gwaine knew where to draw the line between fantasy and reality.
This line is called possibility and his ideas toed that line by a hair width.

This therapist however, he certainly needed help.

"Sorry. You said earlier that you have been waiting for this day for... 1500 years?
What day exactly is today?"
Gwaine decided to be careful. It was more important now than ever to not rush into anything. If he wanted to know more, he had to listen. The idea of reincarnation itself was more religious than anything.
If this man was referring to a specific religion, or subclass religion or a cult, Gwaine had to make sure which one.

"The day where everyone comes back. You, Percival – wait, did you say 'boyfriend'?"
Leon frowned.

That instantly rang the alarm bells in Gwaine's head. For obvious reasons.
Gwaine crossed his arms and took on a defensive posture.

Sir Leon had noticed that part pretty late, if he could say so himself.
"What of it?"

"Nothing. I'm just surprised. In your last life, you weren't together."
Leon shrugged and took a deep breath, already moving on.

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