Arriving in a strange location

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Okay before this whole thing starts I just can't answer a question I know you're all thinking, what the hell are you doing? I know that's what at least some of you were thinking. Well the answer is I have absolutely no idea... i'm being serious I literally just thought to myself what would it be like if izuku Was in the clone wars. This was back on May 4, is it honestly start out as a joke to myself where is the more I thought about it the more it sounded interesting. Also after seeing this video I thought it was at least worth a go

So I thought about it in more detail like how would it work how his presence would change the story and actually came up with a reasonable idea. I mean truthfully I never really expected it to go this far but I think it was worth a shot at the very least anyway I hope you enjoy

Iuzku point of view

It just started out like a regular day, we were doing a hero training in  USJ when something strange happened a portal 13 told us to retreat thinking it was the league of villains again but as I tried to run away the portal sucks me and my friends tried to grab me so I'm not pulled in but they loosen the grip they can't hold on whatever this thing is it's pulling me in pacifically

They let go but not by their choice all might manage to grab me by the leg even without his powers he's still holding save me

all might trying to tell me it's okay: don't worry kid I'm not letting go!!

I look up at the portal and background all might know if this keeps up will both be sucking we don't know where this is this could be the league this could be someone else. Either way I can't risk anyone else's safety

I smiled down at all might: i'm sorry

All might with a shocked expression: wait what are you doing!!

Using black whip I loosen the former heroes grip and I'm carried off into the portal are you here all my friends say no but it's the only way I can keep them safe

When I go onto the portal it's like a rainbow of colours, there's no sound other than me screaming as it feels like I'm being pulled into spaghetti am I going at the speed of light or something?

I brace myself for what I assume is going to be a trap filled with villains, But instead I end up somewhere that looks straight out of a sci-fi movie. It looks like a desolate wasteland but with Dried up Corine all over the place. I look in the sky and there's two sons... Wait no that can't be right I must be hallucinating there is no way I could be... on another planet this has to be some kind of illusion. Yeah that's right! I'm just under the hallucination effect of someone's powers I just need to sleep snap out of it

I've pinched myself nothing changes then I hit myself gently on the arm still nothing changes of my scenery. Finally I give in and give myself a big head but on the floor still nothing except a headache. It seems like I really have been transported to another world to make matters worse the portal that brought me here has vanished so now I'm stuck here what appears to be a desolate planet

What am I supposed to do with it was nothing to help me out with this kind of situation unless I skipped out on how to survive on another planet tutorial.

On top of that there's no one here that could've initiated the portal to begin with so no one was using any powers, so who the hell brought me here and why?

Suddenly I hear the sound of booming in the distance, but the coming from directly above my head I look up and I see something that definitely proves that I'm in outer space and in another universe to spaceships battling it out in the upper atmosphere of the planet. The smaller of the two ships seems to be retreating with some small dots heading in my direction what are those! They're getting really really... Close!!!!

In a galaxy far far away ( Deku in Star Wars harem Story)Where stories live. Discover now