Class 1A -1

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Hey guys just remember that right now on earth only a month  and half have passed since izuku disappeared even though he's been in Star Wars for nearly 2 years just keep that fact in mind when you're reading this

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Narrator's point of view

the goal of the class in the hero course was completely confused been a month and 1/2 since one of the classmates had disappeared without a trace not long after that eri disappeared as well cases were opened for both of them but the heroes couldn't find anything there was no indication of where they were when they went

so after a few weeks of searching the heroes just gave up or at least that's what it looked like to them, class 1A was supposed to just carry on with their daily lessons aside from the fact that one of them was missing

the teacher had just finished up the lesson for the day and left without saying a word about the missing student leaving many of them angry and confused thinking that the rest the wattages forgotten about their lost classmate

ochaco spoke up: I can't believe this, deku is still missing and they expect us to just continue on like nothing is wrong his desk is empty and we have no idea where he is and he was just given up

she had taken his disappearance the hardest well other than his own mother, she missed having him around having his confidence and inspiration to keep moving forward no matter what... Or at least that's what she told herself

tenya moving his hand in a chopping manner like a robot: I agree with you ochaco, giving up is not the role of hero we must do something!

tsuyu: but what can we do if the heroes couldn't find him what chance do we have?

denki not thinking as he spoke: put up lost posters

a plug socket made its way to the electrical users here and shot him with an noise pulse, kyoka was responsible for the attack: he's not a lost dog! and if it was that simple don't you think we would have found him by now

eijiro: I don't care what we're doing as long as we doing something I came to sit here while my classmates be in danger if it was anyone of us that went missing you know that midoriya would move heaven and earth to find us so why aren't we doing the same

everyone in the class except for bakugo: yeah!!

They were all getting into it coming with plans to try and find their lost classmate, sending out messages

on his phone trying to pin his location of his phone, looking on social media of any sightings trying everything they could to find their loss classmate and they were all gaining confidence that they could find him and know they would find him there was until they got a dose of reality from none other than bokugo

he yelled: idiots!! And I can find him just accepted and move on

the whole class looked at him confused was he really just telling them to give up, mina spoke for the class: what are you talking about we can just give up. midoriya and he could be heard for all we know we can just give up like the heroes did

bokugo screamed again: idiots! Don't you get it they haven't given up they just made it look like they're trying last to see if whoever took him made a mistake that assuming if someone took in the first place. And exactly what is your plan you can I just drop everything and go searching for that nerd

shoto: bokugo, I know that you and he didn't get along that well but you can't be seriously asking us just to move on

the blonde haired hero in training yelled as loud as he ever did before: you idiots!!!!!! I'm not saying that what I'm saying is you not thinking this through! So what exactly is going to happen given a drop out of school and go try find the nerd is a newsflash we all have lives we want to live Put on hold just because one of us is missing is a danger part of being a hero so what happens if one of us gets injured we always going to stop what we're doing and wait for them to heal up that idiotic we all can to stop our lives because one of us has

the class remained silent as they looked down on the ground as much as they hate to admit it they saw his point they couldn't very well stop everything just to go looking for deku. They all her dreams and plans they wanted to achieve the idea of putting them on hold was hitting them hard as much as they wanted to go find a lost friend they also didn't want to lose sight of what they wanted to do as selfish as it sounded

tenya: I hate to admit it but he has a point... We all have dreams and plans we want to achieve this because one of us is missing does not mean we should stop trying to aim for those dreams, I'm sure Midoriya would do the same thing in our position we have to be confident that one day our lost classmate will return to us

ochaco didn't much like it but she agreed along with the rest of the class: you're right much as I hate to admit you're right... Still I'm so worried about him who knows what horrible unspeakable things could be happening to right now

Meanwhile, in the depths of space, something was happening to their lost classmate, whether it wasn't terrible, but it was depending on who you ask

izuku was in the ship. The only differences he was naked on the floor and down by his girlfriend Ahsoka Who was also naked riding him, but they weren't alone

On either side of izuku there was another little woman pressed up against him and his muscle in the body master shaak ti on the right and Master Secura on the left

It seems like they were having a great time together on moaning with pleasure however, the green help you well, we're still trying to grasp the situation he saw before him

Izuku screaming in his mind: just how the hell did I end up like this?!

Alright that is it this chapter. I hope you enjoy it. And yes there will be a lemon in the next chapter

Please don't forget to leave a vote and comment and I will see you all later

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