Is the truth will set you free Yet ignorance is bliss 

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Hey guys, I figured since it's Christmas this chapter can be my Christmas gift to all of you. Thanks for all the support and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Izuku point of view

Just outside the village

I still can't believe it, I was right about my theory about Dabi The realisation of that is still breaking around in my brain it's been like that since yesterday when we first arrived in the village

The people of this village want exactly pleased with helping out Jedi who they called me fake peacekeepers or something since the war is going on and they're pacifists, so they don't want anything to do with the war, but thankfully one of the customers was not to turn away a plea for help so we are able to get Anakin some medical help but he still needs time to rest. Meanwhile I'm just on the outskirts of the village watching out for Dabi just because you fell for my bluff yesterday, does that mean he's not going to try and kill me today along with the rest of this village.

Master Secura comes up to me along with ahsoka they both seem a little concerned

Ahsoka : izuku you must rest, you've been out here all night

I shake my head, that's the last thing I need to do right now : no, I can't Dabi is it on this planet with three monsters ready to kill us and I'm the only one strong enough to stop them.

Master Secura: I understand your concerns young one. But I sent that that's not all that has you're you're not worried you're distraught aren't you?

I am really beginning to hate the fact that they can read my mind, but it is true. I'm less worried about what's gonna happen. I'm more distraught about what I discovered I sit down on the ground, finally letting my legs rest

I just let my frustrations out: it's just I was hoping I was wrong, okay... I was hoping that I was just saying things that weren't really there when I started thinking that Dabi was related to one of my friends

Ahsoka sits down next to me: izuku it is not your fault on how he turned out. You don't have to take responsibility for the information you know.

That is true, but it's not the thing I'm distraught about: it's not that ahsoka it's the fact that I know he's his brother and when I get back what the hell am I supposed to tell them?

I put on a sarcastic, happy expression and a obvious lie on fusee, as am in my voice: hi Todoroki... yeah I know it's been awhile but boy do I have some news for you it's good news and bad news. The good news is The brother you thought you lost 10 years ago was alive. The bad news is he's a murdering psychopath and running with the league of villains. Oh yeah you already know him it's Dabi.

My fake happy expression instantly drops as I go back into my self-loathing, and wishing for ignorance expression again: You see what I mean not exactly something you wanna tell your best friend. I believe me I want to tell him my people have an expression of the truth will set you free Nice sentiment, right? Well, We also have another expression ignorance is bliss I just don't know what I should do

Master Secura sit down with us: you're confused, that's understandable youngling you are in a very difficult position. One that I probably never could put myself in but for now we must focus on finding a way of thi-

I interrupted before she can finish: I know master! I'm sorry it's just this information could destroy their family all over again, and they just now getting to a good place if only barely. But with this information, so family will crumble all over again and it might be permanently. I just can't do that to them, but I can't hide this from them either.

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