The blue shadow virus part 2

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Everyone so I've noticed that voting on chapters have gone down. Please leave a vote because it really shows support and it also helps me know which fanfiction is the most popular. Also, I'm planning on having this episode spread out for the next two. Do you know the secret of the seven moons episode the one that's happened after this one just because it would be a law to have Izuku defeat all the members of this cult by himself in just one episode

Ahsoka point of view

I'm not sure about this, I mean, I get the urgency that there is a possibility that there is someone from earth lurking around nabbo possibly with a deadly disease but I'm just not sure iuzku he's up for it ever since he had those visions he's been acting. Strange, he's locked himself in his room and practising in there as well. He's barely said a word to anyone at all. I can't say I blame him. I don't know how I would react if I found out that I was related to my mortal enemy.

Still master Yoda insisted that he was a part of this mission, so he just went along with it, and now he just stands in the corner quiet as usual

Master skywalker whispers to me : Green is still not talking isn't he?

I nod as i whisper back: yeah, he's been away ever since he...remembered

Master skywalker: remember that he is related to a nutcase, is he absolutely certain about what he remembers I mean he was three years old

How desperately, I want to tell him the truth that this wasn't just a distant memory that he was reliving. It was a vision from the past users or something. They were making him relive, but I can't say that master Yoda and izuku both agreed that we could not let the secret of his powers slip out to anyone, and let people know about the truth the better

I shrug pretending like I don't really know: I don't know master, he seems to believe what he saw and that appears to be enough

Master Kenobi: I suggest that we leave our friend, whose own thoughts are now

Master skywalker argued: but master you seen him clearly needs help

Master Kenobi : I understand Anakin, but I think there's not much we can do to Deter him from how he feels give him time, I'm sure he'll be back to his old self soon

I hope so, because I really want the old izuku Back The geeky, yet heroic Young man that I- No, no no no Bad thoughts ahsoka Bad thoughts! Thankfully, we land before I can think of any more ways to disrupt the Jedi order in my mind. The second we do with the head of security greet us, which leads my master to immediately ask where the senators is

Master Skywalker: where is Padmé!

The captain : she went to look for the lab

Master skywalker: and you let her go

C-3PO steps forward : senator Padmé can be very hard to stop once she's made up her mind.

Think that the truth from what I've heard of the senator can be... Stubborn, won't exactly describe her, but it's pretty close. She's almost as stubborn as Master skywalker, to be honest

Speaking of my master, he seems to calm down just a bit : good point, I know what you mean

The captain move decide to introduce a gungeon: this is peppi bow . She was one of the last people to see the senator. she was sent here to keep her safe

peppi bow: theysa look for the sick-maker

Master Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow: they?

The captain: representative binks was with her

Oh boy, that may be good or it could be really bad either way they're still in trouble: go with The gungan see if you can find them and take Greening with you by the looks of him, he could use some fresh air

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