Assassin part 3 (speak peak)

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Unfortunately, this is a sneak peek because I got a bit irritated with some of my readers who constantly kept asking me to add in the characters I said that would be included in the harem and I needed to take a backseat from this fanfiction because I was frustrated with it so I hope you enjoy this small sneak peek

Ahsoka point of view

It was late into the night now and me and izuku were in bed together he had to sneak into avoid suspicion since our relationship was still a secret but there wasn't that many security guards around my room so it was easy for him to get in without being seen and since we're not... Having sex no one suspects anything truthfully I just wanted him to be here because I can finding it hard to sleep. I'm nervous about my visions whether it's just a thing in my head or whether it actually means something and whether or not my interference will be enough to stop it.

Izuku laying beside me: ahsoka take it from someone who is worried a lot in their life worrying about it isn't going to help

A turnover and look at him he seems neutral, but I can tell that he's worried. Not thanks to the force. I can just tell: you sound like master skywalker, and I know worrying isn't going to help but I can't help it. Feel uneasy about all of this. Have we really done everything we can? What if we found the assassin when she lands on the planet or something?

Izuku: bad idea the problem is this whole assassination probably took weeks or maybe even months of planning as she's been on the planet for at least... Six weeks I mean the conference has been announced for over three months now we know she could've been here since the moment of it announcement and the fact of the senator was going to be here

I guess he's right still I feel like I should be doing more : I guess you're right but... Don't you think we should be doing more?

Izuku: I do affect every instinct in my body is telling me to just start patrolling the building day tonight until we find this bounty Hunter, but I know that that's not gonna work and even if it did work I would most likely be too exhausted to think straight besides with your visions we still don't know if they the future or a possible future so me going around running around the building could change the future or just set the future in motion. It's best not to try and think about this. It's really confusing. We've done what we can do now is wait trust me I've seen how obsessing over future future visions can affect someone you don't wanna end up like that... there was a case study for someone who could see the future 10 years ago the guy said that his power was that he could see the future of the entire world no one knows what he saw, but after we looked roughly around 10 years into the future for his perspective he never spoke after that. He looked horrified tried to make him talk to him to tell them what he saw, but about a few months after that he took his own life, whatever he saw it terrified but for all we know he just saw a possibility of a future not the actual future I'm trying to say is time is always changing. Future is always changing. There is variables to this that we are unable to see we know there is no assassin coming along because maybe she got injured or hurt and won't be up from the assassination at the conference at the moment. Maybe the vision you saw was at a later conference on a different planet with a building similar to the one you saw we just don't know.

I guess he's right worrying about the future is important but obsessing over it can lead to problems: so what are we gonna do if the thread is real?

Izuku: do what we always do will deal with it the best we can and hope for the best. It worked for us so far.... And at the end of the day, it's the best we can do.

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