Trespass part 1

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Obi-Wan's point of view

Republic outpost has been overrun, and we were sent to investigate. At least that was what master Yoda had ordered to be a little cover. Truth be told, I don't believe this republic outpost was taken over by separatists, master Yoda thinks it might be someone else from Izuku planet

It wouldn't surprise me all the clones, there were a security force  some of the best trained in the republic to mention the orto pluonia itself is covered in snow not exactly the most easiest place to manoeuvre with droids

If it is someone from earth, we are told to handle it with the most extreme caution, because it could go one or two ways, it could be a villain attacking randomly thinking it's some sort of trick, or it could be a regular person who is in a panic because they found themselves in a snowy area and have no clue of what's going on it would be understandable if they freaked out and lost control, especially if they have no formal training in their abilities

We were told to investigate under the pretences that it could be a separatist attack, which means we had to bring the senator along with the representative of the nearby moon, and we're told that if it is an earthling, we have to come up with a cover story that the separatist came in, took out the base and then moved on not exactly a very thought out planned, but it's the best one we could considering the circumstances

Including Rex and the other clones we are bringing izuku and Anakin are with me when we land on the snowy planet in winter gear Cold wind already hits us, and I'm already beginning to shiver: and this is the planets tropical zone!

Anakin : it's not Tatooine, that's for sure! So Greeny what are the possibilities this is someone from your world?

Izuku: Well, it wouldn't be impossible, but I think this might of been attack of panic. It could be that whether this was got teleported while they were just walking on the street, found them selves in a snowy hell use the power to keep warm, maybe got the close attention, saw the weapons freaked out and then killed them by accident. It's not impossible. Even have accidents like that on my world, it's rare, but not impossible

I decide to ask the question: is it possible that...Dabi is involved with this along with his creatures?

Izuku shakes his head: I know if it was him, he'll probably leave amessage or something to taunt us. That's what his little message was about the last time We crossed paths, he was basically saying I know something you don't want everyone else to know and you're not gonna catch me because he's going underground, right now Dabi probably on a planet that's got a small population but just enough to to keep him hidden. He's probably looking for work to get money so my guess is it's probably gone to a criminal planet. We won't be hearing from him for awhile unless we go looking for him

I don't quite understand his propulsive need, but izuku probably does know him better: very well

Anakin: I still don't get this guy's way of thinking, he can't source why bother doing that why not just escape the planet when he had the chance why risk us finding out, he got out in the first place

Izuku: wow, you guys really don't have psychopaths. Okay well I'll explain it the best I can. Dabi is an attention seeker, he has this compulsion to have all eyes on him. He needs people to see him because he feels invisible, and he doesn't like that he wants people to notice and he wants people to know that's why he told you that it wasn't because it benefited him in a physical sense, but it in emotional sense. It is way of saying look at me I outsmarted you look at me!

Anakin: that just doesn't make any sense why does he have this compulsive need and what even is that?

Izuku: psychopaths go through something that makes them need something later in life. It's hard to explain... Basically think of it as someone didn't get attention when they were a kid so now they try to get more attention as an adult in anyway they can even doing something horrible

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