Cloak of darkness part 2

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Hi everyone, so before you ask I put the The other part of part two with part one of this episode, so that's why I'm uploading part two again. I did this, mostly because this chapter wasn't going to be very long and it seems like a waste to make three parts, and only one of them being less than 2000 words

Izuku's point of view

Moving aside from my personal issues , I probably should've seen this coming I mean it was kind of obvious in retrospect. I figured out that the droids were just a distraction, and that the real attempt to free the viceroy or kill him was already on its way I just didn't expect it to be Ventress

I realise this when she cut through the ceiling and knocked out to the guards me and ahsoka ignite to our light, savers as we run towards her ready for a fight.

Ahsoka starts the insults: well, if it isn't the hairless harpy

Ventress gives us a glare of disgust: and if it isn't skywalkers, filthy, obnoxious little pet... Oh, and if it isn't master Yoda's pet as well it's nice that so powerful Jedi let their little pets play together

I look at her with questionable expression: hold on before we like fight to the death, can I just unwrap what you just said? Because you called us pets because we're Padawans to Jedi Masters in, but what exactly does that make you?

Ventress looks at me with a confused glare along with my other Padawan friend: i'm just saying that wasn't your master Count Dooku Padawan to my master. So by your logic, is your masters a pet or at least he was so what exactly does that make you? A pet of a pet

Ahsoka let out for a small chuckle, but quickly went back into serious mode when the assassin leapt us swinging her light savers. I don't think she took my insults very well.

We were able to block her attack, and it doesn't take long for her to re-Perry and try again this time she got close to cutting my arm off. This is not good, even though I've gotten better with the light savers I'm still nowhere near the school adventurous I mean sure, I took on grievous but fighting Ventress is a completely different story, grievous more or less uses his overall strength and multiple blades to overwhelm his enemy. Ventress is more flexible and she is well versed in sneak attacks. If I'm being honest ahsoka has a better chance of the feeding her. I'm still a rookie when it comes to the light savers or to mention battling in enclosed space not my strong point.

Ahsoka blocks, another attack as the Senate guards come in from behind us: shoot her!

We both quickly jumped to one side, allowing the Senate guards to get a clear shot. However, it's revealed to be pointless as Ventress reflects the shots back at the Senate guards and two of them are killed, but the captain still remain standing only to find himself being picked up by the force and swung against the control panel

Alright, that's it we can't let her get to the prisoners i've got to do something drastic I quickly drop my light savers and activate one for all in my hand maybe if I get-

My train of thought is interrupted when Ventress kicks me straight in the face this causes me to be hit in the head by the metal paneland I quickly fall unconscious The last thing I hear was ahsoka yelling my name in a panic before everything, fades to black

I don't know how much time has passed, but when I open my eyes again I'm back in the void, at least that's what I call it it's more or less the innards of one for all. Like always, only my eyes and left arm are the only physical attributes in this realm oh, and everything else around me, is black, but more like in a smoke fashion.

Why am I here is the main question on my line to the past you just want to talk to me about something or did I just naturally come here after getting knocked unconscious?

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