The mandalore plot part 3

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First Chapter of the New Year yeah ahhhhhhh!!! I hope you enjoy please leave a comment and a vote

Izuku's point of view

Flying cross the planet is rather relaxing in a way especially after some of the crap I've been putting myself through today, the Duchess is just getting under my skin and I shouldn't letter she is entitled to her beliefs but it is wish she wouldn't think I was a heartless monster because of my People's history

whatever I'm over it now time for an investigation, I fly through the air looking down at the forest and I will admit the Duchess is right the planet looks like it ecosystem is growing back rather well but still something seemed off from the sky the ecosystem looked perfectly healthy when I got a closer look it told a different story. The forest was still green and it looks relatively healthy but there were certain parts that I wouldn't notice if I was flying up there were dying I looked at a river and it look like there was some sort of chemical running through it not big enough to pollute the entire stream but enough for me to see

so the planet was still being colluded just in smaller amounts and that's when it hit me someone on earth did something similar only three years ago I remember hearing about on the news if I remember correctly corrupt CEO of a small company decided to reopen some old mines that were closed because of environmental issues it was a string of minds and there was obvious protest against it but he assured them that he had a method to make sure that the mining wouldn't pollute the area

as I'm reminiscing a call from only one in the communicator I answer it promptly: master I've discovered something the ecosystem on this planet it seems to be all right from a distance but want to get up close you can see small levels of pollution something you wouldn't notice unless you are actually looking for it

Obi-Wan who sounded like he was on a speeder: I see how bad is the pollution damage

I look around everything looks like it still alive but there are still small traces of death: very small amounts like I said you wouldn't notice it unless you are looking for, it actually reminds me of something that happened on earth three years ago

Obi-Wan: and what exactly is that?

I remember the story quite clearly because it was quite a scandal and a danger to the environments of the rest of the world: okay roughly around five years ago this CEO of a corrupt company decided to reopen a bunch of minds it had been closed because of pollution in the area believed to be responsible the guy managed to get the mind reopen because he claimed he had a way to fix the pollution problem. It was some kind of industrial chemicals opposed to combat the pollution but it was a corn what he actually was doing was mining in the mines but only to a small amount only gloating the area slightly than stopping and moving to another mine in another area and starting there and so on and so forth

the Jedi master but to enter together: I see that way the area that he was polluting would have time to heal and he could continue to strip mine slowly a clever idea but I'm guessing since you heard about it I'm guessing it was eventually discovered

he's right about that but it's worse than that: yeah but it it wasn't that this level of strip mining going from place to place polluting the area is almost as bad as regular polluting. The simplest explanation is think of the ecosystem of this planet and this pollution is attacking that nervous system the only difference in regular polluting it damages the nervous system in in a single place relatively isolated and yes it does destroy everything around it but the thing is it may take hundreds if not thousands of years but eventually it could recover that only because there's another ecosystem close by that can help it along but with this method

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