Destroy malevolence part 2

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Ahsoka point of view

Okayahsoka You've been in worse situations than this you're a deep behind enemy lines you've done that plenty of times, there are loads of droids lurking around you for your way through thousands yeah I've been through worse... Admittedly that was with master skywalker with me so don't start it might be a little worse than I'm making it out to be.

Right now me and izuku I trying to figure out how to get off the ship are on the jet rail, we see some droids at some occasional droids that try to take some shots of us but we're too far away for them to reach you so for now we are safe, and are beginning to understand the pattern of these lines they seem to go all throughout the ship in a big circle somehow . Must be how The Clankers get from one place to another on such a massive ship maybe if we're lucky we can find the stock that will lead to the escape pods or maybe even another hanger with a fully fuelled ship ready to take us out of here

Izuku: how many times have we gone round in the circle I haven't been able to keep track every part of the ship looks the same

True every part of this ship does look the same but there has to be some sort of signs or something to indicate where we're going: I know I know just keep a look out, we can't stay on this jet rail forever

izuku sounded nervous: um...ahsoka can I ask you to do me a favour?

I turned around to face him and he looks at me with a serious expression no hesitation like usual he addresses me. Whatever he wants it must be serious: yeah sure what is it

Izuku let out of breath as he pulled something out from from around his neck that was hidden by his close it was A locket: I know that we are going to get out of here but just in case if by some chance that I don't I want you to deliver a message to someone . Someone... Very important to me

The hands of the locket to me in, leaving me confused who is he talking about? Is it a family member: mother father brother or sister no wait could it be known and out... A girlfriend!!??

No no no wait calm downahsoka there's no need for you to get all wild up remember Jedi  cannot form attachments . And why am I even thinking about forming an attachment I shouldn't be yet whenever I'm around izuku I just feel this is connection with him like we're drawn to one another and I can't describe it it just feels warm when I'm around him I wonder if he feels the same way

I snap out of my thoughts when he Open the locket , Inside there is an image of him and a girl but not as I expected. The girl seems to only be six maybe five years old she's got long white hair and red eyes and the most notable feature she has is she's got a single horn on the left side of her forehead. She's also got the biggest smile I've ever seen as she hugs izuku as she looks to wear the camera was supposedly placed

I look at it at him with mild confusion as he gives me a nervous smile: that's my daughter her name is eri

My eyes widen as I look back at the image and then back at the boy I thought was my age and I still think he is, he has a daughter! How he he looks the same age as me or is it that parenthood starts early in his world

I'm trying to wrap my head around it as I ask a question: hold up this little girl in the photo that's your daughter

Izuku rubs the back of his head: not exactly remember when I told you about the raid that a friend of mine died that well that little girl was the target for the rescue. So she's not my daughter biologically but... She seems to believe so

I raise an eyebrow confused by what it means: what do you mean what do you mean she believes that you're her father? You two don't look anything alike

Izuku: well it's kind of a long story but I'll give you a short version. After we rescued her and she went to the hospital because she had passed out when she awoke she was in an utter panic I heard screaming I raced towards it and burst into the door the second she saw me she called me daddy and raced towards me like there's no tomorrow. She raced into my arms and I picked her up as she was shaking but she soon calmed down and went back to sleep in my embrace everyone was completely confused by Eri  behaviour. When I try to put her down she increased her grip on me even in her sleep so eventually I just had to sleep with her clinging onto me. The next day we took it to a psychiatrist, and she suspected that eri Had persuaded herself that I was her father, and she believed that I was her father who came to the rescue to save her from the bad man

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