Clone cadets part 2

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Heavy point of view

Failed again, this makes it the thousandth time we failed that stupid practice course because those guys refuse to get out of my way. Echo doesn't know when to shut up always repeating orders, Five keeps getting in my way and becomes droid bait and the most annoying one of them all doesn't even have a name he keeps joking around and getting in my way why can't they all just stay back and let me do what I'm good at killing droids. At this rate we're all going to end up like 99 maintenance clones

Echo repeating himself: guys we've got to follow orders come on!

The Joker sarcastically: I don't know. I think it went rather well.

Will he quit joking around this is serious this is my chance to get out of here and fight in the war to become an arc trooper!

Fives: can we please just stop arguing?

Maybe you should take his own advice fives: and how about you stop being droid bait out there? You're getting in my way. Do you want to be the best you've got to think like it I'm thinking like an arc trooper

Echo: arc troopers follow orders.

Oh here we  go again follow orders follow orders that's all he ever says, he's like a broken protocol droid: care to repeat that... Echo?

He looks at me with a blank expression is just pushes past me, oh that is it! I've had enough of this know it all. As he walks past me I grab him by the shoulder and punch him straight in the face he tries to fight back but I'm stronger than him how to follow real orders.

I would've been able to as well if the Master Chief bounty Hunter didn't step in and stop us. Stupid bounty hunters I'd rather be trained by Jedi then some lowlife.

Master chief lecturing us: if you two would focus more on fighting droids then you do with each other you might stand a chance out there

Echo being a suck up: sorry master chief

Why does everyone suck up to him he's just a lowlife bounty hunter he's probably the reason with failing this because we're being trained by some low rank bounty hunter instead of a master Jedi: well Master Chief maybe the problem is with our training. I'd rather be training a Jedi than a bounty Hunter

Master chief crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows: oh is that so well then it's a good thing that Padawan of Master Yoda was watching your little battle and he has a few words he'd like to say to each of you

Echo: The Padawan of the Jedi master is here?

Master chief: yes he is master Yoda sent him here hoping he might be able to learn something about basic tactics of clones, instead he watches you all fall like the dominoes that you are. what are you  all still sitting around for a stand attention!

Where are the others get down standard attention, as the Jedi Padawan walks in he's wearing a cloak covering his face and most of features but he looks humanoid, but the strange thing is he has green hair at least that's what I've seen from the small bits I can see coming from his cloak

He sounds nervous as he speaks:um... at ease?

This guy is a Padawan of a Jedi? Great well they do say be careful what you wish for I asked to be trained by Jedi instead I'm going to be trained by possibly the worst Padawan ever

Padawan stiffens up: i'm not used to this sort of thing so I'm just gonna say what's on my mind, which ever one of you is echo please step forward

Echo follows orders how surprising, he stepped forward and the Jedi Padawan looked at him: I am echo sir!

The pain of wanting to be surprised to be called sir what is with this one did the Jedi Temple send us one of their rejects to try and make us feel better

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