Jedi crash part 2

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Ahsoka point of view

We've been running for hours yet those roars don't seem to be getting any quieter. Whatever is chasing us they seem determined even more determined as izuku Who's been trying to keep us away from them whatever they are they must've really spooked him because he ever since we left, he's had a worried expression on his face

Rex spoke up: so we can't keep this piece up for very long. We're getting too tired. We need to rest

Master Secura: I understand that commander, but something tells me that we shouldn't whatever is chasing us, it's strange I can't sense anything in our facility, but the roars imply that they're getting closer

She's right ever since we started this chase to get to the tree. I haven't sensed any ill intent or any kind of animal around those roars mean there's definitely something around here, but how can that be? How can there be something here yet We can't sense it, every living thing has force.

Izuku: we can probably slow down a bit, but we can't stop moving, trust me if those things catch us it's game over, they kill us all in seconds

Master Secura questioned: what exactly is chasing us izuku?

Izuku looked down for a moment as he slowed his pace:... One of the reasons why we have rules and laws, and that prevent people from doing whatever they want. Those things are chasing us are called nomus

Nomu? not a very intimidating name, but I'll take his word for it that they're dangerous: what exactly are these things? some sort of animal

Izuku: no, they're people, or at least they were... I don't really know how the process works, but someone found a way to well there's no real way to sugarcoat this, but he brought back the dead

Brought back the dead! But that's impossible, you can't bring back the dead. The dead are well dead!! This is unbelievable, it looks like I'm not the only one that's not believing it. Everyone else other than my master, who still unconscious is looking rather surprised and overwhelmed.

Rex: but sir, that's not possible... Is it?

Master Secura: I have to agree with the commander, and something like that is far beyond even our capability. How could someone possibly bring back from the dead

Izuku: well, maybe bringing them back from the dead is a bit of an overreaction but I'm guessing you guys can't sense. These thinks that's because technically speaking they're walking corpses. They have no real will have their own or at least these ones chasing us down don't

I look at him with confusion : how could you know that?

Izuku explained: Because if there was we'd all be dead already, the ones that have personalities are well... As far as I know, I want nothing more than violence and blood shed and they're incredibly strong if they saw us they were just butcher us at the site. These ones are well they're essentially like droids they don't do anything without orders which means

I begin to realise what he saying : which means someone else is on this planet, giving them orders!

Izuku: yeah, and honestly that's our best chance to survive this right now those things are leading us towards the tree, which means whether he's in control of them he's probably there too, waiting to catch us in a pincer attack

Master Secura: your plan is that we capture the person in control of those monsters and force them to tell those creatures to stop is that around what you are thinking

Izuku nodded: honestly, it's our only chance I can't fight those things I tried punching one once with all my strength it didn't even phase it

Rex: and if your brute strength didn't even phase it, what the hell good is blasters going to do

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