The academy part 2

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So it begins again I'll try my best to not get writers block for as long as it did with this story I hope you enjoy fair warning though this first chapter it's gonna be a bit short since it's the first time I've written something for this fanfiction for awhile so please try to keep that in mind

Izuku point of view

(Play the sound effect with this scene)

Beeping sound it's the constant reminder that I know that  kota still alive count every time I hear it. How many seconds it takes for the next one so that I'm ready if anything bad happens. As I just look at him sleeping peacefully, it wasn't for the heart monitor and all the other equipment around him. You think that he was just sleeping right now his body is struggling to survive.

Oh, because of that damn poison in those drinks sure we gave him the antidote but his body was so foreign to the adult that basically shut his entire body down he still alive his brain waves are still going strong so he's not brain-dead but he just can't wake up there's nothing I can do. There's no medicine they could give him even if there was they would be too hesitant to give it to him because it could make his situation even worse so all I can do is just sit here and wait for him to wake up

Ahsoka contact me on a regular basis just to make sure I'm okay while she's teaching at the Academy and to see if there are any changes in kota situation but this time she calls about something more urgent apparently some of her students have stumbled across some sort of corruption happening most likely connected to the poisoning of the children

She speak to me over the communicator : so what do you think it sounds like something shady but do you really think it's connected? I mean I thought that the people responsible for the poisonings would've packed up shop and gone especially after what happened I didn't Dabi Anoka pretty much take over that whole thing and then burned it to the ground when they wanted to make sure they were no loose ends

To be honest, it doesn't sound impossible that the person behind the poisoning wants to try and get his business up and running again of course if you would, that would be foolish  Dabi and toga are probably still on the planet somewhere and if it all possible they might try to take over the operation again if not it would cut off the head of the snake to take its place so this person is either being very brave or very stupid most likely he's underestimating their power thinking that their money or power can save them

But onto the topic of the Academy students it doesn't sound impossible that they've discovered something that could be serious: well I suppose it's possible but like you said they were in someone else's warehouse. It's not impossible to consider the fact that they were only chasing the students because they were trespassing. and as for the Owers just because they're from Offworld doesn't necessarily mean they're shady.

Ahsoka: I can sense that there's a but coming in

She's right : yeah from what you've told me the students came across someone who had police officers working with them but they names and numbers were scratched out so that they couldn't be seen that suspicious and the fact that he was wearing a cloak meaning that he didn't want to be recognised by his partners or any possibility of an outside stumbling across the meeting if it was something innocent would have no need for disguise

Ahsoka: plus the Offworld there were part of the same species that were part of the poisoning corruption scheme I mean it's not much and it's more than likely could just be considered a coincidence but... The students seem adamant about what they discovered whether I like it or not they're probably looking into it now

Yeah, she's probably right. It'd be exactly what I would be doing if I was in their shoes whether I thought it was corruption or not if there was even a slight possibility that I was right and it was corruption I would look into it regardless of what people say or do to persuade me: with that in mind if those students really are interested in bringing down this corrupted scheme most likely they would go to the most powerful person they know which in this case would be the Duchess correct?

Ahsoka: yeah why do you think she's involving this in someway?

I can check my head, even though me and the Duchess have disagreements on pacifism and the use of violence I do firmly believe that she would never hurt a child either intentionally or accidentally and if she did, she would've turned herself in immediately: absolutely not, but even if the students bring the evidence to her I highly doubt that she'll believe them and if she does, she'll insist that she looks into this herself but she'll make it sound like the students that they're letting their imaginations get the best of them and insist they go back to their studies to keep them safe

She agreed with me: yeah that does sound like something the Duchess would do... I don't disagree with it but is there a problem with that?

Sort of, but that's only my personal opinion : kind of depending on how the Duchess words this the students may think that she's responsible for the corruption or at least a part of it. There's also the possibility that if she doesn't believe them or at least claims not to believe them they may go to the second most powerful person they know the prime minister... and to be honest, I have my doubts whether or not that's a good thing

Ahsoka: what do you think he's behind is?

I know it's just an educated guess and it might be that I'm letting my emotions get the best of me considering what happened to all those children including kota but whilst I've been here waiting for him to wake up, I just can't stop thinking about this whole thing. I've been going over the details in my mind over and over again until finally something just clicked.

I explained to my girlfriend, what I think: well it wouldn't be the first time in history that someone that second in command of a government was responsible for corruption... it's actually the perfect place if you think about it the Prime Minister has nearly all the power that the Duchess has however the Duchess deals with the public blowback of the corruption schemes and everyone looks towards her because she's the leader she allowed that to happen no one thinks twice to look at the Prime Minister not to mention he has the which can be used as a tool to avoid getting caught Plus, he's the one that gets put in charge of investigating the corruption. What an ideal place to be to try to sway attention away from himself.

Ahsoka: I guess you do make a lot of sense and the Prime Minister wasn't exactly thrilled with us being here. still we don't have any evidence even with what the students brought me. There's no way of knowing who that person was speaking to the gangsters assuming that they even were gangsters and not just workers from Offworld if we had some proof maybe we'd be able to do something but without it, we're kind of just stuck

She's right about that however I have thought about something if the Prime Minister who I think he is an easy man to predict what he will do perhaps...: well I might have a plan to catch him in the act but it's risky and if I'm wrong about anything we be putting our lives not to mention the students endangered but I think I could predict how the prime minister would act if he is who we think he is a man like that acting the way he is is actually easy to predict once you understand his motives

Ahsoka: what do you mean? Do you think you could actually actually predict what he's going to do?

Maybe not predict for taking educated guess : might not be predicted but I could possibly tell you how he thinks and maybe how he acts he's politician so he's still going to have to show his loyalty to the people so most likely he'll either say out loud that what he's doing is for the people to save them either that is too make him seem in the eyes of the public if he was ever discovered or if it's just deny guilt what I can see him doing is if his operation was discovered by the students he would want to use it as a way to get more power by getting rid of the Duchess by framing her for the crime then in order to make sure his plan goes over swimmingly he'll want to tie up loose ends i.e. the students if he does everything like that then I know exactly what he's going to do next and I have a plan in mind if you're interested

Ahsoka: well everything you said has made sense plus even if you're wrong it's better to be overly cautious then do nothing and regret it later okay? I'm in so what's your plan?

I smile as the two of us begin discussing the plan that's going to bring down the Prime Minister and the way it's going to do that he's going to metaphorically hang himself out to dry

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