The blue shadow virus part 1

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Okay, so just a heads up this episode I have greatly changed how it turns out

Padmé point of view

I can't believe this is happening again, droids on my home planet! It's impossible how could they get past the  security?

When I first got a call from the new Queen of my planet, I immediately raced to my ship, along with jaja and C-3PO even though there were only three battle droids discovered, it's a guarantee that when there is one battle droid, there are many, and I fear that this may be the beginning of another invasion plot that cannot happen, my people have been through too much already

When we finally learned back at the spaceport, and greeted by the Queen and the captain of the security

I immediately reached out to greet them : my lady we came as soon as we heard, have you found any more droids?

The Queen : only the three. But I assure you they are not tourists. I need you to convince the Senate or the Jedi Council, or whoever is in charge of this dreadful war, that our home is under threat

I do agree, but Unfortunately, that will not be enough to convince them : They'll need more proof will take more than a few battle droids to convince anyone that we are under threat of invasion

A male voice came over the captains communicator : Captain typho The battle droid is ready for analysis.

The captain responded : excellent, will be right there

The male voice had One last thing to say: there's another thing that I think you should know, sure these battle droids look fairly damaged far beyond any weapons that you used on them... Frankly, I don't know what caused this much damage. It's a miracle these droids were even working to begin with.

The captain looked at me, and the Queen has confused is that I understand that the security team probably shot first and ask questions later, so it wasn't surprising that the battle droids were already damaged, but what kind of damage did they receive forehand?

The Queen responded to the message : what kind of damage are you referring to?

The male voice sounded shaky : I think you'll just have to come down and see it for yourself to believe me because I'm looking at it right now and even I don't believe it

Well, this is certainly Interesting what is going on on my home planet I wonder. We make our way down to the analysis block and I can already see what he meant destroyed look what they've been in the war zone the covered in mud obviously some of them and pieces because the explosion, but the tactical droid looks like it's got in the worst.

There are dents all over its body, and the strangest thing is they appear to be in hand shape. I can actually see the implant of a fist, a human fist who could be strong enough to punch metal and make a dent like this.

Never mind that's a mystery for another time for now. We must find out what these battle droids are doing here. : have you been able to extract any information?

The Queen : unfortunately, the squad that discovered them the preferred to shoot first and ask questions later ... But even with all that, where did these droids get so damaged according to the analyzation, the circuits have been fried with an absurd amount of electricity one of them. Looks like they've been mauled by multiple animals and those dents look like they've been made with a handprint.

True, that is rather peculiar along with the mud if they were found in the grassland, where did they pick it all up even so, I've not known the separatists to miss treat their droids well, except for general grievous what exactly did they go through before getting discovered by the security group?

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