The academy part 1

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So the manga is over... I have to say I was expecting a little bit more from the ending I was just thinking that maybe the ending could've been in two parts, not just one, but hey you can't have everything right

Anyway, here's the next chapter I hope you enjoy please leave a comment and a vote

Ashoka point of view

I did think it first, that me going to the academy on mandala did teach the future leaders of the planet about corruption was a bit of a waste of my talents, but I heard that izuku was still there watching over the children One child, in particular Kota apparently The two of them are very close, practically like brothers, according to eri Who is also a close friend of the new boy

Sky guy : Ashoka you should not be displeased with the council is giving you this Mission they trust your abilities

I'm not doubting my abilities and worried : it's not that master, I'm concerned... about izuku I heard about his rampage through the city recently, and I'm concerned that he... might do the same thing if this young man he is so fond of doesn't make it through his illness

Master Skywalker carry the ship into landing: I understand Ashoka i'm worried about greeny as well But you must put passed your worries the mission comes first. I'm sure that izuku would feel the same way. These children are counting on you to make sure that you teach them how to govern their world properly.

I understand that, but I still can't help, but worry about my boyfriend I've never seen izuku abandon his meals like that, he threatened to throw someone off a building. He strangled someone I get that he was upset, but that was taking things to a whole other level.

Maybe I should talk to him about this when we land we met with the Prime Minister and the Duchess along with her personal guards

The Duchess: Master skywalker, Padawan

Master Skywalker greet her by kissing her hand : milady

The to continue to talk for awhile I just kind of zone out I keep thinking about izuku it's not working is anything wrong, it's just I'm worried he hasn't had any formal training with the force nor how to control his emotions and if something like this nearly tipped him over the edge, I'm worried about what will happen if something worse happens to either me or someone else he cares about knows, if the planet that he's on with survive that if he's willing to throw away his morals so quickly to get results

First chance I get, I go over to the hospital to see him sitting by Kota bed. The poor boy is still unconscious, and he's on life-support. The cure had worked. It was out of his system, but his immune system was shot. It's a long road for him to recover.

When the door opens izuku turns to me, I look at him sad, and he looks even sadder as he turns his attention back to the sick boy on the bed

Narrators point of view

Ahsoka walking over to her boyfriend: you look tired

Izuku: I am I haven't moved from the spot, ever since they put him on life-support,.... how could this have happened?

Ahsoka trying to cheer him up: it's not your fault, you didn't even know he was here until he was poisoned

Izuku: I know that... but still, I just don't understand how anyone could be so reckless be so greedy to risk the lives of children just for profit it's truly disturbing... I don't know what I'm going to tell his aunt what if what if he doesn't make it

Ahsoka: he will make it you're his role model, you told him how to be stubborn and how not to give up his fighting right now, just like you talk to him, he's not going to give up... Listen, I've got to go I've got to teach A class at the academy, but I'll come back when I can

Izuku nodded: okay... I'll be here Ashoka I know that you're worried about me after what I did to get to the perpetrators that caused all this. I just want you to know that I would do the same thing for you and our daughter I don't like it but when push comes to shove I'll do anything to protect the ones I care about

The Padawan nodded she knew her boyfriend. She knew that he would do anything to protect her, and everyone else she cared about, and even though it scared her, she was grateful for it, now just getting another task that she needed to do alone she had to do something truly terrifying... Teach a class.

(I don't own this video)

Sorry that this is such a short chapter. My cat died today so I'm in a Little depressed I hope you enjoyed the chat to please don't forget to leave a voucher and a comment

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