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Everyone so this can be relatively short chapter and it's going to be connected to the weapons factory episode it's basically just ahsoka and izuku talking about how homesick he is is uglier along conversation and another thing I will talk about is that I am going to have izuku connect to the force in the next few chapters a lot of people have been asking for it and I finally gave in I was going to give him the ability of the force anyway but I was waiting until season three more specifically when they met the son the daughter and the father but that was a bit of a too long overweight I realise that now so don't worry the force is strong with izuku 

also I have an idea for another small detail I want adding to the fanfiction I don't say what it is because that would be a bit of a spoiler but I will say that it might get a bit confusing with the whole space time continuum thing what you think I'm in the comments please doggedly revoked and a comment and I will see you all next time

Ahsoka point of view

this was supposed to be my briefing but sky guy keeps taking out over eventually I just decide to let him go through with it partly because it would be pointless for us to argue Mike always because my boyfriend seems to be missing so while sky guy does my briefing I slip away and go to try to find izuku who is standing up over a cliff looking over at the droid factory

izuku doesn't even turn around and know that it's me: she's in there you know my friend I know she is

he's referring to his friend that's been making all the specialised droids of the separatists have been using apparently she's an amazing mechanic if not a little bit narrow sighted about the bigger picture of things: I hope you're right... So all cards on the table what you think she's doing working with the separatists you really think she is working for them willingly maybe she's been forced

izuku shrugged: it's hard to say I mean I want to believe that she is being forced into making these droids but one Anakin is said about his interaction with her she seems to be... Completely fine if not a bit strange... well stranger

oh yeah that's right sky guy said he met with her she looked exactly like izyku described but her attitude and her personality was completely different. She was supposedly someone that couldn't keep out of other people's personal space and she wouldn't stop talking along with having a massive smile on the face regardless of the circumstance but when sky guy I met her she was really polite kind and even ladylike which did not sound like the same mechanic

I rubbed the back of my head: izuku I didn't want have to say this but you have to come to terms if we find out she's been-

he interrupts me as he turns his head to face me: I know, I just I'm really hopeful that it's not the case

his attention is brought back to the droid factory and were our next battle is about to begin once the reinforcements arrive: it's gonna be another bloodbath is in it

I honestly can say no: I don't know maybe we'll get lucky this time

izuku shook his head: no in every battle there is always gonna be casualties it's just because we use men not droids that the casualties are always gonna be greater on our side even when we win because you can replace droids quite easily can't replace soldiers it's just a hard truth that most people seem to ignore. I get it that the clones are made for combat but honestly that still doesn't make them any less human and it's always sad when a life ends is just the way things are I guess

okay this is where he seems gloomier than usual and in Italy he's never really that gloomy but today he seems really down for some reason and I don't think it's just because one of his friends might be working with the enemy: okay what's wrong and don't lie to me I know when you're upset and I don't have to use the force for that

izuku: I don't know maybe I'm just feeling home sick I mean it's been almost a year now and I'm nowhere closer to finding home... And I just really want see my mom and my friends I just Wanna let them know that I'm alive right now the could think I was dead, lost, kidnapped or worse and they don't know.

I see it now he's just feeling a bit homesick I guess that makes sense his been away for so long and he has no idea how he's going to get back or even if he is: hey come on look at me

he turns and faces me and I take his hand and squeeze tightly: I know that you're hurting and you miss home try looking on the brighter side if you never would have gone through that portal I never would have met you... I will never would have fallen in love with you I know that sounds selfish but-

I'm interrupted by my boyfriend suddenly kissing me on the lips for just a moment, he looks at me and gives me a sweet smile: I know and I don't regret coming here it's just some days... I just get really worried about all my friends on earth especially my mom she's probably lost her mind with worry but I don't regret meeting you ahsoka or anyone else here and I wouldn't change it for the universe

I smile as we to another quick kiss before returning back to the base where i g more et complained after leaving my briefing which Master skywalker was interrupting so we got into another argument meanwhile my boyfriend just calls eri to let her know that we can be home late. Still really strange for me to be taking on the role of a mother but I'm slowly beginning to get used to it resides I absolutely adore our little snowball she so cute especially when she smiles because every time she does it just warms my heart so much it could melt

izuku finally getting in the middle of the argument: can you to please stop arguing we do have a battle to win and it looks like our reinforcements have arrived

the Java stop arguing as a familiar Jedi master and someone new walks up to us ready to discuss the battle plan.

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