Dawn of the dead or invasion of the body snatchers part 2

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Hey guys just so you know because of the release of the new Star Wars show I'm going to be updating this fanfiction daily for a short while the show was really good and I would recommend that you watch it

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Anakin's point of view

I'm glad Greaney suggested that we stick together and don't think any of us could make a backup to the surface and if it is horror movies are to be believed splitting up is usually when things go downhill

although I wish that we could get out of here so it's getting warmer down here and it smells

Greaney: the air is warmer down here that usually means that the Queen is close by it hives it to be believed

white goods are now still confusing how Greaney know so much about this stuff: how do you know so much about this

he shrugs: when you're left alone for the majority of your childhood books become your best friend. Besides some quirks take on bug -like appearances so I thought to myself if I was gonna become a hero I should learn about all animals in the animal kingdom even insects and arachnids glad to see that paying off

sad but it is useful still can't believe that they just threw someone like Greaney site because they thought he wasn't useful until we had some sort of superpower from my perspective izuku is already useful even without using his powers I might have to have a few words with the people that said this when we eventually find earth I mean yeah at least for them already here but I get to talk to them because they're currently frozen but when we find earth and can have a few little "chat" with those people

but that's for later for now let's focus on this mission we finally found the throne room event or you can call a bunch of rubble and undead bugs lounging around in the dark and with one big ugliest one sitting on a throne

Obi-Wan: that has to be the Queen

Greaney: yeah and by the looks of it it really does work like a beehive she's the only female which means all the bugs here are her children. There would explain why they all basically the same

great lesson now let's get this done: Cody any sign of our target and Luminara

Cody checks the surroundings: I have located Luminara she's by the throne as for our target he's talking to the Queen... Wait there's another person here it looks like the young girl described by commander izuku

Greaney gasped quietly: are you sure it's her

Cody: yes sir, I recognise the description she seems to be in the back beside the throne she's not the strange she appears to be working on some kind of machine although what it is I cannot say

Greaney's friend is here where just make things a little more complicated but it still doesn't change anything we've got to get rid of that ugly bug and rescue our Jedi Knight

I come with a plan: okay Obi-Wan you and the clones take care of bugs me and Greaney will take care the Queen will rescue his friend in the process

Obi-Wan strongly advised against it then again what else is new: Anakin wait let's not rush into this

oh don't tell me he's going to come up with a plan that inevitably not gonna work on and got the get a sorer trouble: you don't actually want to talk to it do you

Greaney agreed with him: Master skywalker I think Obi-Wan has a point think about it why would they take Luminara when I just kill her it would certainly be less risky and if we found a dead we probably wouldn't chase them down in the tunnels that are you could have easily gone the way instead he takes Jedi an even greater risk with him to bring to the Queen for what reason

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