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In this chapter, I'm going to be making a few minor changes to the my hero timeline enjoy

Narrators point of view

It was nighttime in the Jedi Temple, and for the first time Since he arrived in the other side of the universe, all those months ago, the hero in training was trying to get a full nights sleep, and however, something was stopping him something deep in his memory, was beginning to rise to the surface as he tossed and turned in his bed

he just come back from another training mission with master Yoda, so he had not gone through any action to have nightmares about in a while, nor did he have any visits from the past uses so this new nightmare was rather confusing for him because what are you saying that both familiar and distant at the same time?

he grumbled to himself as he rolled around as these visions flashed in his mind One of the house he didn't recognise yet it felt so Familia, a young boy he didn't recognise yet he felt as if he knew him is from somewhere visions kept getting more intense as he saw violence and then destruction which caused him to wake up, screaming and breathing heavily

Izuku breathing heavily and crawling out of bed: what?... what was that?

The boy went over to his bathroom and wash his face as he looked at him self in the mirror. It had been the third time he had the same nightmare and it always ended the same destruction, violence and chaos, which was so horrible that he couldn't get back to sleep

However, that's not what frightened him most. It was the fact that everything he saw in the dream felt so familiar yet he could not remember where he seen it before, which was confusing, because as far as izuku was aware he had a photographic memory. He never forgot anything, and there were no memories of him going to a house quite like that much less witnessing such of a violent level at least nine till we went to UA

Izuku was trying to wrap his head around it as he sat back on his bed: why is this like one of the past uses memories or is it something no it can't be something I've pressed I've not had any reason to... Have I?

That question kept the hero in training up all night all over again. The next morning izuku was barely awake as Anakin was trying to teach him how to fly a spaceship and giving him the ins and outs of every type of battleship they had

Anakin, unaware that his friend was half asleep: so activate the hyperdrive, you just need to- Greeny!!

Izuku shot awake: what? What what what what's going on?!

Anakin crossed his arms disappointed: Greeny honestly, I'm giving you a complete runthrough of every ship that you can fly, and you just wanna fall asleep that's not acceptable

Obi-Wan: Anakin be patient, I'm sure izuku didn't mean to fall asleep in your very interesting presentation

The comment was obviously sarcasm, which Anakin took as offence: well, I will have to make this " interesting presentation if I could teach him how to fly my way"

Ahsoka: no offence sky guy, but I think izuku wants to learn how to fly, not crash

Anakin rolled his eyes: ha ha, very funny. Still, you shouldn't be falling asleep in this, it's important

Izuku rubbing his eyes: I know I'm sorry I just don't know I haven't been getting much sleep for the past few nights I've been having nightmares

Obi-Wanstroke his beard, curious: nightmares, one kind of nightmares

Izuku not really wanting to talk about it, just shrugs it off: it's nothing just some house I don't recognise it getting destroyed and I hear screaming. It's nothing important it's just my subconscious coming out with something because of my fear of never seen my home again, that's all

In a galaxy far far away ( Deku in Star Wars harem Story)Where stories live. Discover now