Dawn of the dead or invasion of the body snatchers part 1

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Hey guys just say no I'll update this story tomorrow as well because apparently that's when ahsoka is getting released yea!

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Obi-Wan's point of view

izuku spoke as we walked into into the abandoned temple: just so we're clear we are doing another horror movie cliché... So just a word of advice if anyone sees anything glowing do not touch it

I was quite amazing how he can somehow connect real life incidences with his supposedly movies: izuku I thought you said the things that happened movies aren't real except for the ones that are based around true stories

izuku: yes that I also didn't think that I would be on alien planets yet here I am saying this place doesn't seem welcoming and since we have lost contact with master Luminara we should be on our guard

on that we can agree that on, since we have lost contact with her because of the sandstone it's possible to believe that she walked straight into an ambush and perhaps we are walking into one as well but even so we must find our target the creator of these droid factories if we are to get any useful information out of him not to mention izuku friend is still on this planet with our enemy we define as well and find out what the separatists have done to her

Cody: general.

We all go over to him that we find no clone that was accompanying Luminara unfortunately he's dead but there are signs of a struggle and we managed to find a lifesaver that's not a good sign

izuku also find something: I found some blood but it looks like it's from the bugs... These are strange thing it's dry and there's a lot of it

Anakin comes over to our green friend: and what's so weird about thatLuminara probably struggled and managed to get one of the bugs

izuku; I don't disagree with that except the fact that there is too much blood here for the bug to have survived and is one thing missing

I realise what he means there is one key thing missing from this: where's the body?

izuku nodded: exactly it does make sense this should be a body here, but there's nothing

Anakin: maybe they took the body with them

I stroke my beard: that doesn't make any sense they decide to take the body of their fallen comrade but leave the body of the clone for what purpose they're already carrying a Jedi hostage why carry the extra weight

izuku: plus there's no signs that the athlete did drag the body there's no signs that a body was even here except for the blood there's no imprint on the sand no drag marks there's just the blood and it's too much for anyone just to walk away from that even a limp in the way that walked it's as if they received a mortal blow and just shrugged it off... And that's not even the weirdest part about this whole thing

Anakin: what is a grinning what else did you figure out

izuku: by my count there is at least indications that 10 bugs including the one were looking for took part in this ambush the problem is nine of them look like they were dragging their feet like they were sick or tired... So how exactly do nine sick/tired bugs take out a well trained soldier and a Jedi Knight without suffering a single casualty. 

He's right it doesn't make any sense even a wounded Jedi Knight could easily take down at least five bugs definitely 10 if they attacked injured or sick yet there is no single body or any indication that there was any injuries on the other side besides the blood that our friend found none of this makes any sense

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