Recovery and complications 

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Izuku's point of view

In the Jedi Temple

It's been a week since my near death experience, and I'm beginning to get my strength back but I'm still out of the field partly because Master Kenobi thinks it's it's best that I have some time to rest which I don't disagree with

It's giving me a lot of time to think about me and  ahsoka we've both admitted that we have feelings for each other, but because this goes against the chair code for her and I've never been in a relationship before we've agreed to take it slow and see where this leads. She comes to visit me from time to time and we just have a talk about ourselves and have a bit of a laugh as well, I think that's what couples do... Right?

I wish I could ask someone about it, but we have to keep our relationship whatever it is a secret otherwise we'll both be in big trouble.

I was speaking to Rody communicate: are you sure you want to stay on naboo?

Rody: yeah sorry but if there's a war going on in the galaxy I Gotta think about my brother and sister I think you are going to collect the sides. I've already been given a job here a pilot, forsecurity apparently it's a pretty good pay as well

I can understand that he's got his brother and his sister to worry about and naboo is quite far from the separatists reach: Okay, I can understand that, but by the way Ruby it's something that's been bugging me you said I've only been missing for nearly 3 weeks... Yet I've been here for nearly a year

Rody rub the back of his head: yeah strange isn't it I don't know what to tell you you've definitely gone for two weeks So I don't know how you've been around the universe for year, but I mean come to think of it. We got brought here by seven blue light we meet in just move us into space but also moved us in time

As crazy as it sounds actually makes a lot of sense. It would explain the time dilation of me being here for a year while on Earth and all they were missing for two weeks, but with that comes a big problem.: well, if that's the case, finding earth just became hole more complicated

Rody raises an eyebrow: why do you say that?

I come up with a theory theory, I really wish is true or even a possibility, but it asked to be said : maybe the reason why Personal or any galactic map is because of the Earth doesn't exist yet Think about it, if we have been time to sit with the gates before earth was even invented, or we could be in the distant future when earth doesn't even exist anymore... It's just a theory, but it's something to consider

Rody: I hate it when you're right there Dad so what exactly were gonna do to find Earth or at least where Earth is supposed to be?

I honestly have no idea how to answer that : I don't know we can't exactly go looking for it right now. Universe is at war with each other and we can't leave the separatist straight to earth, there's no telling what they'll do. For the moment... I don't think we have any other choice, but to continue fighting with the republic to end this war, I think that's our best and quickest route to finding earth and considering that, it's not gonna be possible to hide this adventure from the population, it would be good to start a friendly relationship with the Republic

Rody hologram nodded: yeah the promising... I can't believe this we are the first people to make contact with alien lights and they can't call us lunatics. You do realise that when we get back to Earth, our names are going to be carved out in history right? Oh man, that is a lot of pressure

I try to calm him down : stay focused my friend I know this is a lot and it certainly nothing that we would've ever considered to happen in our lives, but we have to remain strong

Rody: yeah, yeah you're right... One question now it's about the villains that keep popping up the majority of the ones you've told me about. Didn't they come up because they were in a war zone or somewhere similar to say that there are more just in the underground of the universe, or we just haven't spotted them yet, cause they're quiet. Didn't you say that the best villains hide in the shadows?

He does have a point, I've been so preoccupied with trying to help in the war that I haven't actually thought about it. The possibility of more violence being here is more than likely I need to look into that.

Once I was done with my conversation with  Rody I contacted Anakin Skywalker: Master skywalker, I do hate to interrupt, but I have a request

Master Skywalker: what is a greeny? I'm kind of in the middle of something.

He doesn't look like he's in his training gear or his Jedi ropes. He looks like he's in a bathrobe... Maybe I interrupted him while he was having a bath: (take a guess to where he really is 😉): I really don't mean to interrupt, it's just well. I've had a lot of time to think what I'm in bed recovering, and it's just never occurred to me that what if there are some villains hiding out in the shadows in the underground there been any unexplained murders or new gangs appeared in the underground.

Master skywalker: to tell you, the truth, greeny, the Jedi don't get involved with the criminal elements, not since the war started. However, I can ask one of the senators to look into it if you're sure about this

I shrug: honestly, it couldn't hurt to check that a wise man once told me the smartest villains hide in the shadows biting their time. For the right moment, or they're just hiding because they want to stay under the radar for his long as possible

Master skywalker nodded: i'll look into it, I'll have to send it to send you the files of any unexplained crimes or anything unusual

I nod  as he hangs out the communication it certainly wouldn't be impossible for anyone from my world to create a criminal empire in under a year, or just to become a lieutenant in a crime organisation, i've just been so busy, thinking about how to find Earth. I haven't thought about who else has been brought here for all. I know my Friends are here and I'm completely confused and alone and have no idea what did you know I can't think like that they know how to handle a crisis. I'm sure if they got here they would figure out what to do.

I lay in my bed, thinking about all the things that could be happening right now on Earth and in the Galaxy it took roughly round 15 minutes before master skywalker gave me a call back. Sending he sent all the files of any unexplained or unusual crimes and let's just say there was a lot good thing I've got a photographic memory

I look through the holographic files, and I start to notice things small things. Things will only make sense to an earthling. About two months ago, some people calling themselves the reservoir dogs surfaced they started stealing, peoples purses and disappearing, despite how loud they called this name out. There is also a series of unexplained deaths in alleyways, where the victim was bleeding out, and what was left on the wall of the alleyway was a love heart written in blood I have a feeling I know who caused that

There were also crimes that I could. I can quite explain, but they seem like someone with a quirk with you or someone with a personal connection with me because I just found a case that was peculiar every single. One of these people were human based. They were small roughly round 16 years old, they all had fuzzy hair like mine and they were human, but here's the real kicker. They all had been beaten to death and the word cheater in Japanese written across the wall of the alleyway. I think someone's got a grudge against me

There are roughly around another 50 crimes that I recognise the MOF from multiple villains, and there was some crimes that did not look like they've been done by them and that I know of, but look like they would have to be done by someone with a quirk like some impossible robberies, where things just vanished without a trace

This just got much more complicated

In a galaxy far far away ( Deku in Star Wars harem Story)Where stories live. Discover now