Dreams part 1

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Hey guys, so this episode is going to be something of my own creation kind of I got an idea from A superman movie, and it just seemed like a good idea for our favourite green hair hero to get some closure about his past

It's only the truth, I have a lot of other things I want to try including him  izuku to make him see more broken, or even more amazing that he pull through it all

You'll find out what I mean in the Holycon heist episode  i've got a special plan in mind for that one

Anakin's point of view

so here we are in the Jedi Council room again and this time I'm not the one getting chewed out greenie, apparently him announcing that he is from a planet called Earth did not sit well with the council now the whole Republic now knows that greenie isn't master Yoda's student nor is he actually a part of the Jedi order and the Senate is demanding answers

snips is looking a bit worried cancer blame her apparently grainy and her really close which isn't a surprise since he told her apparently everything about him so obviously they have some form of connection. Now she has to watch him getting chewed out for his actions I do have to say though it better to watch someone else get chewed out then having to deal with it yourself

Kenobi: what were you thinking telling everyone where your from did you even consider the consequences to that Republic is demanding answers! Are you prepared to give those

greenie nodded: yes Master's I did consider the consequences but I didn't feel like I had any other choice I mean people saw me flying... Without a jetpack that's probably something you don't see everyday odds are people abound ask more questions, questions that we can answer without being truthful

Master Yoda nodded: true that maybe but did this without the council's approval you did

he looks down depressed I'm sure he regrets his actions but I do see is perspective if someone just suddenly started flying without any real explanation of course people were going have gone suspicious anyway sure it was a bit impulsive then again I've probably done worse.

Master shaak ti came to greenie's defence: while I don't agree with what izuku has done I also believe that he is right we could not explain the ability of flight to the force the senates would have asked questions anyway at least this way we cut straight to the chase as it was

I could see greenie give a small smile to the master hologram and she returned it kindly I don't know what's going on between those two but they do seem close as well. Kenobi began speaking again: well I suppose that is true still though I wish we had more time to prepare the Senate is demanding an explanation today we are in no way prepared to explain ourselves

that is true the sudden explanation of an unknown planet with beings that have incredible power is a shock enough but the fact that we know about it and didn't say anything to anyone in the Senate probably doesn't sit well with our trust with the Republic of course there are a few officials that no partly pamde and jar jar but only because they came across greenie in the field with the crisis of the blue shadow virus and those cold lunatics they needed a proper explanation for everything

greenie comes up with another great idea I say sarcastically: well then let's explain it to them look I don't know much about politics if nothing at all but... I think it would be best if which is completely honest with them

that is noble but there is one small problem I interrupt the meeting as I speak my mind: that snowball greenie but there's a problem now that people know that you're not a Jedi in training there now afraid of you know that I can blame them I mean you have the power flights you can shoot black energy out of your arms and double all of you have immense's strength and speed

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