It's time for him to pull his weight

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Narrator's point of view

even though their assassination attempt failed deathwatch was preparing to assault the capital of the planet, this was what they had been waiting for all this time a chance to overthrow the so-called weak peaceloving government that believed in pessimism rather than fight. Even with the Duchess going to plead her case that the Republic did not need to intervene to stop deathwatch the terrorist group was hopeful that her plan would fail more than helpful they knew it would diplomacy in their eyes was already dead

thanks to their connections with the separatists and their newfound appreciation for the science of earth they were more than ready for their assault they had three tanks ready to fire, their armour was lighter and stronger than ever and they had a mounting load of ammunition sure numbers one on their side but they definitely had more power as a whole 

there was just one small problem, well not exactly a problem more like a nuisance the villain known as mustard was throwing his weight around annoying everyone. The teenager villain was under the impression that he was in charge of the deathwatch considering all that he provided for them of course the deathwatch didn't see it that way they saw the young villain pulling his weight around as an annoyance with minor uses it was true that their new armour while respecting their warrior past was stronger and lighter they couldn't help but feel the urge to shoot or stab the so-called genius responsible for making it

they were grateful for his help they just wish he would shut up about it and no one felt that more strongly than the now former governor and full-time leader of deathwatch. Considering he was the one who found the lost villain roaming around the planet having no clue how we got there or where he even was the deathwatch leader slightly regretted not shooting the boy when he first met him but also weighed the positives and negatives if he did do that they most likely wouldn't have this amazing new material to create their armour as well as a lot of weapons to overthrow the government but to the constant complaints he received from his men and from the headaches he got from the boy himself the commander was seriously reconsidering his choices

another member of deathwatch spoke up to the commander as he looked down at his army growing: he's driving everyone mad you know that right?

The commander nodded: I am aware believe me they had enough headaches from myself I don't need any more complaints

the second in command of deathwatch spoke up once more: then why do we keep them around with got what we need from him why don't we just hand them over to the separatists or the Republic or just shoot him in the head!? Because quite frankly there would be a lot less painful than having to listen to him go on and on about how he's the smartest guy in the universe now

deathwatch commander: because it would be ill-advised why do you think I haven't told our good account friend about our human from earth it is because everyone in power seems to have at least one of these work earthlings on their side as we know the Republic or rather the Jedi have this izuku or as he is more commonly known to our annoying friend deku the separatists have this one called moonfish and despite that ridiculous name he is incredibly dangerous and I've heard rumours that the underworld is growing because of these earthlings furthermore there is this dabi that still lurks in the shadows he's got some of the most ruthless crime lords on edge

his second in command looked through her helmet with a questionable glare: the point of this being what exactly?

The commander turned around in a dramatic way to emphasise his point: if we want to be taken seriously we need at least one earthling on our side and as annoying as ours is he has his uses he managed to get Kenobi and deku without even raising a finger

the second-in-command nodded that she did admit despite the fact of how annoying mustard could be he did have his minor uses even so: I agree with you on that but don't you think it's time he started pulling his weight and not just in the science angle... Some of the men are becoming more annoyed on the fact that he receives special treatment despite the fact that is never well we've never seen him.... Actually fight

the deathwatch commander nodded at this even he had to admit he didn't like the idea of one of his subordinates not committing to the fight: I suppose that's true what you suggest

the second-in-command: well I know that we already have an assassin going after the Duchess but I think it's about time mustard pulled his weight, he also mentioned how we had a contact on Corazon one that he insisted would be much better than the assassin perhaps it's time our earth boy gets his stripes with us and perhaps maybe this contact will be more interested in joining deathwatch and hopefully will be less annoying

the first in command nodded in agreement: very well tell mustard that I have a mission for a proper one tell him that he is to go to Corazon and kill the Duchess as well as make contact with his friend on the planet as well I don't care how they do it just make sure it gets done and also mention that he is not given the way of the other assassin either

the second-in-command nodded: yes sir and thank you for listening to me

the deathwatch commander: well it's like you said it's time for him to pull his weight

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