Shadow of malevolence part 2

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Narrators point of view

The bombing squad came out of Hyperspace and arrived at nebula , It looks like a very thick brown fog in the middle of space . In reality it was a bunch of gas is formed together to create the nebula still have the dreary effect of fog and because of popular movies represented in outer space izuku was getting nervous

Izuku getting a bad feeling: listen I know I'm new to space travel but I don't think we should go in there

Skywalker laughed over the cones: what's the matter greeny you're scared of a little fog

Izuku: no it's just... If this was One of my world stories we'd just be entering the part where people would say don't go in there turn back, also this whole nebula thing practically screams death awaits here

Skywalker: relax greeny we just need to go through my shortcut and we'll be fine

Master pro: A nebula can be quite unpredictable. I advise caution

Clone pilot in another bomber: don't worry about us Sir shadow squad can handle it right boys?

Eventually the clones responded with different enthusiastic terms, fully confident that they would live through the mission. But first they need to get through the nebula

Ahsoka finally getting the chance to speak: does anyone care what the Padawan thinks?

Skywalker sarcastically responded: of course we do, snips, but we're still going to the nebula if you're nervous you should've let me be your pilot

Ahsoka rolled her eyes her master was still sort of annoyed that  she was piloting herself instead of being his Gunner. also probably wasn't helping that she disregarded his belief that izuku in a space battle but she couldn't let him go do something this severe this soon in his training He was now just starting to get used to the idea of being speaks he still needed some time to adjust to the idea of actually flying one

Izuku: if it's any constellation ahsoka I value your opinion

Ahsoka blushed as she smiled: thank you izuku

The fighter is then entered the nebula. Meanwhile at the medical station the evacuation was underway however it was slow going Slow I just couldn't get enough injured in the other ships and the overall amount that had been of activate it was only 50% and general grievous and his prized warship was closing in

Back with skywalker and his team they drove through the nebula uncertain and unsure what it could bring but Skywalker remained his positive yet naive self. Still believing his plan was for proof. His Padawan and her new friend weren't so sure

Ahsoka turned off cons so that the two of them could have a more private conversation: izuku is it just me or does it seem poorly thought out to you?

Izuku agreed: yes I do agree with you ahsoka I mean I'm no stranger to being reckless but this just feels... Wrong, I mean it's going well so far but being here in this nebula thing filled with gas it's like we're asking for trouble.

The Padawan couldn't help but agree, flying through the nebula was not only dangerous but practically stupid. She knew her master was... Ambitious to say the least but she wasn't sure that he had fully thought this plan through, the shortcut was a nice touch to get ahead of grievous but she wasn't sure that a small group of bombers could take down a monster ship like the malevolence

Izuku was checking the scanners but they were essentially useless because of the gas: well the scanners are useless with practically flying blind, how are you doing ahsoka?

Ahsoka: not much better I can barely see right now I'm just following master skywalker and the rest of the squad but if we lose them I think we're gonna end up getting lost

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